Page 24 of Atlas

“Not until you tell me what the fuck is going on” I yell back.

“I’m sterile ok! I can’t have kids! So no need to worry about me getting accidentally pregnant,” she says as she shoves past me and strides to the bathroom. I turn to look at her as she’s closing the bathroom door, “by the way I would have loved to have had a baby with you” and she shuts the door in my face.

I feel lower than shit it never occured to me that True didn’t have any children because she couldn’t have children. And what a weird way to say it, not that she’s barren or infertile, no she said sterile. I am still standing there looking at the closed door when I hear True crying on the other side. I try the knob and it is unlocked, pushing against the door I can feel True leaning against it sitting on the floor. I gently push her and the door until I can get into the bathroom, she looks up at me, tears dripping off her chin. I pick her up and head into the shower with her in my arms. Once the water is adjusted I wash her and myself quickly, wrap us both in towels and carry her to the spare bedroom, the bed in the main bedroom is destroyed and everything needs to be changed.

“Talk to me True, you said sterile, did someone make you that way?” she nods her head and I have to refrain from balling my hands into fists. Whoever did this to her is gonna come up missing.

“I want you to promise that you won’t hate me, but I’d hate for you to have to make a promise I know you are going to break.” she says it so brokenly it damn near sends me in a panic “I could never hate you baby” I say.

“Just don’t Atlas, don’t say that let me get this story out while I have the nerve, because after I know you are going to ask me to leave.”

“True…” “Victor had me chemically sterilized” she says speaking over me and I freeze at her words.

“Why would he do that?” I say my voice dangerously low.

She takes a deep breath and looks at me and drops the bomb,

“Because I’m his daughter.”