Page 52 of Jag

“Ping Savannah’s phone.”

“Really Josh?”

“Ping her fucking phone Jabarri.” I yell.

“Damn ok”.

A few minutes later he gives me the name of the restaurant where this dead man walking has taken my Hatima Yangu.I walk in the restaurant right past the hostess station and directly into the restaurant and spot Savannah almost immediately.

I walk over to the table and tell her, “Let’s go Savannah.”

She drops her fork, and she looks up at me. “I know you lying,” she says attitude on full blast.

“I said let’s go. I’m tired and I have been all over this town looking for you.”

“And how is that my fault Josh?”

“Damn, that’s a low blow I have never been Josh. Joshua yes, Jag yes, baby yes, but never Josh. Savannah, we have a lot to talk about can we please go home so we can talk?”

“Um no, as you can see, I am out on a date, so I’m not going anywhere with you. I’m going to continue with my date, and you can go back to wherever you have been for the past three weeks.”

“Savannah, I do not have the patience to deal with this shit. Please can we go?” I say with frustration and irritation.

“And I have already told your ass no. I’m not going anywhere with you.”

I open my mouth to say something, and the dead guy says, “I think she told you no already, so can you leave us to eat in peace.”

I turn to him slowly and tell him “Bitch if you don’t want to get fucked up you better sit there and shut the fuck up.” I turned back to Savannah, “Savvy.”

“I cannot believe you have the nerve to come in here acting like this after you ghosted me.” The hurt clear as a summer sky in her eyes.

“I did not ghost you Savannah and if you would only get your ass up and come home with me, I could explain.”

I feel like the parasite that lives off of dog shit. I hurt her; I knew it was going to hurt her but seeing it breaks something in me. She folds her arms and sits back in her seat. I take a deep breath.

“Savannah let me tell you something you are leaving here one way or another. Now you can walk out on your own or I will carry your ass out of here, it’s your choice.”

She raised an eyebrow at me and settled even further in her seat. Yep, I’m done with this shit, I pull her chair back and reach down to pull her ass out the chair.

“Jag you are making a scene.”

“Savannah I will flip this fucking restaurant over. I don’t give a fuck about making a scene do you understand that?”

“Do what you gotta do,” she says and right on the heels of her hurt there is white hot anger. She turns back to her date and says, “Sorry about this, Nate, Ss she picks her fork back up to begin eating.

She has summarily dismissed me. The fuck is she apologizing to his ass for?

“I know it’s not your fault Savannah,” he says as he looks at me.

“I tried Savannah. I really did.”

Before she can take another breath, I lean down, the chair scraps against the restaurant floor as I snatch it back from the table. She lets out a startled squeak…

“I’ll …” she starts to say but before she could get it out, I’ve reached down and snatched her ass out the seat. Her eyes take on comical surprised expression as she is hoisted fireman style over my shoulder.

“Joshua Abraham Gideon if you don’t put me down….”

“You’ll do what Savannah?”