Page 35 of Jag

“Well since you put it out there let me tell you I love your mother, and I haven’t even told her that but I’m telling you.I plan to marry her once things are settled with her and as much as you think you’d hurt me I’d lay this world bare for her and I’d put anything she could want and need at her feet. So, I hope we both understand each other,” I tell him.

“We do,” he replies.

I wonder if Savvy has ever really seen this side of her son. For some sons that speech would’ve been lip service, but her son meant what he said, and he’d back all that up. He should’ve gone into the military. I would’ve trained him real quick and put him on my team.


He’s been gone for hours and I am trying to figure out what the hell he’s doing. It does not take that long to go rent a car. Mell, Bubba, and I ordered pizza and wings. Mell wasn’t feeling well and went to lay down while Bubba and I watched movies.

I know Saint wanted a chance to talk to Jag and I hope that the things didn’t get out of control but since I didn’t get a call from either of them, I’m guessing they’re ok. Eventually I hear Saint and Jag talking as they come in the house.

“Jag you’ve been gone for hours. It takes that long to get a rental?”

“I’m sorry baby. I went and got the car then I needed one with a tow package so we can bring Coop back home with us. I also went and checked us in and dropped our luggage off. Are you hungry?”

“We had pizza earlier.”

“That's good but you didn’t answer my question. Are you hungry?”

“A little.”

“Come on let me get you something to eat then you can go lay down or go wherever you need to go ok?”


I go to tell Saint we’re leaving when he comes out of his bedroom to tell me he thinks he needs to take Mell to the hospital. He has her bag and is walking her out to the car, while I get Bubba’s shoes and coat on. We all head out to our cars and I take a brief look at the rental he got. Where the hell did, he rent that from? Who the hells rents a black-on-black Lamborghini Urus SUV? Is there like a rich section of Richland only rich people know about?

I squint at Jag as I walk to the car and notice how he avoids making eye contact with me and I know he didn’t rent this damn car he bought it. Letting out a deep breath I shake my head, get in this house on wheels and head to the hospital. They check Mell in right away, not only is she in active labor she is almost ten centimeters dilated. We go to the waiting room with Bubba and wait for little Sarai to be born.

Two hours later Saint and Mell welcomed a not so little nine pounds ten ounces of screaming baby girl into the world. Sarai Elana Errington is a beautiful little girl. I look over at Joshua holding looking like a natural and my over clench. I shut that shit down I am too old to even think about a baby. A few minutes later Bubba’s mom shows up to get him and Jag and I say our goodbyes and leave the new parents to their baby.

I’m exhausted and starving. We head towards the hotel, but we swing by my favorite burger and hotdog joint on our way.

I talk Joshua into getting a garbage plate, our town is known for being the originator of the garbage plate. I get two cheeseburgers, onion rings and a vanilla milkshake. When we get to the hotel we go to his room and eat our food. As much as he was skeptical about getting a garbage plate, he ate all of it, and was eyeballing one of my cheeseburgers.

“Joshua, I promise if you reach over here and grab my cheeseburger you will draw back a nub.”

“Damn it’s like that?”

“Try me and find out.”

“Naw, I’m good”

“I thought so.”

After we eat, I lay down on his bed and next thing I know I’m knocked out.


This shit was a mistake, I think for the millionth time as Savannah snuggles closer to me. I should’ve carried her ass to her room, but nooo I'm a grown ass man I can handle sleeping next to Savvy. I put on some sweatpants since I usually sleep naked, I wasn’t crazy enough to try that with this much temptation. But then sometime during the night she went to the bathroom, stripped out of her clothes, took a shower and put one of my tee shirts on and got back in bed.

I laid there for as long as I could but when I tried to carry her to her room, she wrapped around me like a boa constrictor. Then she took that thick ass naked thigh and threw it across my thigh and the little control I had snapped. I roll Savvy underneath me and I lay right in between those amazing thighs. She wakes all the way up at this point and I expect her to freak out, but she puts both hands in my hair and pulls me down to kiss the hell out of me. I’m trying, God knows I am, but she is not playing fair. She lifts those thighs up around my hips and arches up into me.

I tear my mouth from her and begin to kiss her neck, I hike her thigh up higher on my hips and let a little of my weight come down on that wet pussy and lightly grind my cock into her. She lets out a moan and I move down from her neck to take a nipple into my mouth through the tee shirt, while rolling the other nipple between my fingers. I grind into her harder and roll my hips. And she comes in my arms. I switch nipples and run my hands down to the bottom of the T-shirt and pull it up. I want to feel her nipple in my mouth. When I get her nipple back into my mouth I moan at its taste. What the fuck does she wash or lotion with?

She tastes like cinnamon sugar. I’m buying her a whole warehouse full of it. She is damn near keening at this point. My hands find themselves on her hips gripping her, I’m trying to find an anchor so I can get the strength to stop this. But apparently my hands have a mind of their own, since I realize they are heading between Savvy’s legs. She is so damn wet I rub her hot little pussy spreading her essence everywhere. I bring my fingers to my mouth and lick them dry. Sweet just like I thought you’d be.

“Please Jag.”