Page 84 of Waves of Hope

Brooke went below and gazed around, impressed by the tidiness of the boat and how everything seemed to have its own special space and function.

“Pretty nice, huh?” Jake came into the galley area and placed the cold drinks they’d brought into a cooler sitting in the sink.

“Itisnice,” she said. “I haven’t done that much sailing, but you seem comfortable with it.”

“I don’t have my own boat, but I’m happy to help a friend sail his. A numbers guy like me likes the idea of OPB.”


Jake grinned. “Other People’s Boats. Saves me a lot of money.”

Brooke laughed. “You really are a numbers guy. I like it.”

“Speaking of that, the end of the month is coming up. I’ll be coming into the office to meet with you. Thought we could go over the financials together.”

Livy peeked down into the galley. “Hey, you two. No talking business. We’re here for fun. Jake, how about handing up a couple of cold waters? It’s hot up here.”

Jake handed her the water, and after offering one to Brooke and taking one for himself, he climbed up the stairs and into the cockpit.

Livy stood with Eric behind the wheel as he started up the engine. “I’m taking the wheel when you men raise the sails,” she said proudly.

“I’ll stay out of the way,” said Brooke taking a seat in the cockpit.

“Please, everyone, be mindful of the boom,” Eric said seriously. “We don’t want anyone getting hit in the head and falling overboard again. Pretty scary stuff.”

“And I’m not as strong a swimmer as Charlie,” said Livy.

Brooke laughed along with the others but couldn’t stop thinking of the haunted look on Charlie’s face when she’d told them about the accident and how she’d thought Shane had died.

As soon as he and Jake had hoisted the mainsail and jib, Eric took the helm, fell off onto starboard tack, and cut the engine. As the wind filled the sails, the boat heeled to one side, and the hull cut through the water with a hissing sound. Brooke lifted her arms, loving the feel of the wind moving them forward.

Livy took over at the helm while Eric trimmed the sails, working to keep them taut in the wind.

Jake sat down beside Brooke, stretching his tanned legs across the cockpit, securing his feet against the seat opposite them.

Brooke didn’t mind the boat heeling, its port rail close to the surface of the water, and neither did Jake. He turned to her with a smile. “Nice breeze today.”

“Feels delightful,” she said, happy to see him. There was nothing to suggest a numbers whiz when he took off his T-shirt, exposing his well-trimmed torso. That, and the way he looked in swimming trunks sent a tingly sensation through her.

A shift in the wind brought her closer to him. He put an arm around her shoulder, and awareness of him so close to her caught her breath. She felt eyes on her and turned to see Livy smiling at her.

Brooke shook her head. Jake was Gran’s accountant, seemingly happy on his own. She wasn’t about to be burned by him or any other man who appealed to her. Neither Livy nor Charlie realized how appealing it felt not to be tied to anyone else and the demands they might make of her. Her only commitment to any person outside her family was to Skye Atkins, Adam’s daughter. She’d promised Skye’s grandmother she’d help keep Skye occupied to give Adam a break.