Page 71 of Waves of Hope

“Simplicity is the key. We must make it easy for people to reach us, to know what we offer, and how they can make reservations both online and with direct calls,” said Charlotte. “I’m trying to do the same thing for the Family First project for Shane.”

“Speaking of Shane, what happened to your date last night?” said Livy. “Morgan was talking about how she rescued Shane. What is she talking about?”

Charlotte drew in a deep breath. “The only rescue that took place was our rescue of her. We met at the Pink Pelican. She’d had too much to drink to drive. We ended our so-called date early so I could drive her back here.” She shook her head. “Besides, Shane and I aren’t dating. We just went out for a quick burger.”

“Charlie, you’re either dating or you’re not,” complained Brooke.

“I’m as confused as you are, but Shane said we’re just friends out on a date. He’s not ready for anything more, and right now I need to concentrate on me. How do you like this one?” Charlotte tugged on the green T-shirt she was wearing. It said, “I Forgot My Designer Shirt at Home.”

Livy laughed. “Another of Gran’s shirts?”

“Until I can buy some of my own,” Charlotte said. “You can’t imagine how freeing it is for me to wear them.”

Livy’s expression grew serious. “Actually, I can. My mother buys me clothes thinking it will make me change my mind about wanting to date, get married, and have kids. I’m not ready for that.”

Charlotte and Livy turned to Brooke. “What’s going on with you?”

Brooke shrugged. “Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I tried calling my mother and had to leave a message. Okay by me. I had no real news at all.”

“You were supposed to go sailing with Eric. Has that been rescheduled?” Charlotte asked Brooke.

“I’m going sailing with him on Saturday. Why don’t you come along?” said Livy.

“And be a third wheel? I don’t think so,” said Brooke.

Livy took hold of her arm. “Listen to me. It’s not like that between us. I refuse to leave you behind.”

Brooke’s face brightened. “Okay, I’ll do it. Charlotte’s working that day, and I’ll be free to go.”

Charlotte momentarily felt a bit jealous of their carefree afternoon, and then she rallied. It would be good for Brooke to get out. She’d been more or less stuck with Adam and Skye.


After the meeting, Charlotte headed outside excited about the changes beginning to take place at the Inn. The new icemaker and extra freezer Livy had bought were installed in the kitchen, and a new dishwasher was coming next week. In addition, Brooke had purchased the card table for the gathering room, and she was about to meet Dylan to discuss shifting the artwork in the Inn.

She saw Dylan walking toward her and waved to him.

Smiling, he jogged over to her. “Glad you called. I’ve been thinking about some of the paintings in the Inn. You’re right. A few need to be changed around. While it was quiet, I looked them over in the dining room, gathering room, and other locations. Your grandmother has an exceptional eye for interesting, original work.”

“She likes to go to the art shows in the area,” said Charlotte. “I used to love to go with her.”

Dylan studied her and then said, “I like your T-shirt –“Sorry, I’m Not Alexa – Don’t Tell Me What to Do!”Your grandmother usually wears shirts like that.”

Charlotte laughed. “This is hers. I borrowed it.”

He grinned. “Bet she’d like to see that on you.”

As they headed over to the Inn, Shane called to them. They turned and waited for him to approach.

“What are you two up to?” Shane asked.

“We’re about to do some work inside the Inn,” said Charlotte.

“And I’m about to ask Charlotte to join me on a trip to the Dali Museum tomorrow,” Dylan said, grinning at her. “I’ll even buy lunch. How about it, Charlie?”

Surprised but pleased, Charlotte said, “I’d like that. Thanks.”

“Want to join us, Shane?” Dylan asked.