Page 68 of Waves of Hope

“Sure,” Charlotte said happily. “What do you have in mind?”

“I was thinking of a burger. Maybe some fries with it. Nothing fancy.”

“Perfect. I’m ready as soon as Rico gets here.” Rico Torres was the evening manager available to guests until 11 PM. She brushed off her T-shirt. In the past, she’d offer to go change. Not anymore. Shane was a friend who understood what she was trying to do.

Charlotte made sure the answering machine was active on the phone, and things were in order in the gathering room. As soon as Rico arrived, she updated him on the day’s activities and left him to study in the office until it was time for him to leave. Rico was the college-aged son of one of the housekeepers and was more than happy to earn money spending his study time at the Inn. Gran adored him and had for many years.


Charlotte drove Shane in her car to the Pink Pelican. It was a cute place to have a cold beer and a sandwich during the day. In the evening, the place morphed into a cool night spot with live music and dancing.

Sitting in the passenger seat of her car, Shane was quiet, staring out the window at the scenery. She didn’t mind the silence. It had been a busy day, and she was still mentally sorting through conversations with their guests.

The parking lot was full when they arrived. Charlotte inched her way into a spot at the edge of the property.

“Busy night,” said Shane, managing to get out of the car.

She climbed out onto the pavement and locked the car. The sound of music rocked its way to them, and she felt her spirits lift.

A small crowd headed their way, laughing and talking.

Shane took hold of her hand to bypass them and then kept hold of it as they walked to the front entrance.

At the door, Shane spoke to the hostess, who, Charlotte noticed, fluttered her eyelashes at him as she announced a bunch of seats had opened up out on the deck. She handed him two menus. Then Shane led her through the throngs of people who filled the indoor space.

Out on the deck, they found a table at the outer edge and quickly grabbed it.

Shane handed her a menu. “I know what I want. How about you?”

“You’re having the Pelican Burger and a beer, right?”

He grinned and nodded. “A local IPA to go with the burger.”

She set down the menu. “That’s easy. I’ll have the same.”

A waitress came over to them wearing the uniform of black shorts and a pink golf shirt. “What can I get you?”

Shane gave her the order and sat back. “Looks like a good crowd.”

Charlotte’s gaze roamed over the multitude of people on the dance floor and stiffened when she noticed a familiar, dark-haired woman. “Morgan’s here.”

“Who’s she with?” Shane asked, looking to where Charlotte was pointing.

“No one I know,” said Charlotte. “Let’s hope she doesn’t see us. Looks like she’s been here partying for a while.”

“Forget her,” said Shane. “This is our first real date.”

“Date? Is that what this is?” Charlotte said before she stopped to think how that might sound. “I’m sorry. That came out wrong. I thought we were just friends.”

Shane’s gaze settled on her. “Can’t friends have a date now and then?”

At the way he was smiling at her, a tingling sensation filled Charlotte. “Sure, we can,” she answered, telling herself she and Shane were being honest.

The waitress came with their beers and burgers, stopping any chance for further conversation.

She’d taken the last bite of her burger when Morgan appeared beside their table. “What are you two doing here?” She placed a hand on her hip and faced Shane. “I thought you told me you and Charlotte were just friends?”

“We are,” Shane said smoothly.