Page 64 of Waves of Hope



Laughing, Brooke was glad she’d worn comfortable sandals as Skye tugged on her arm, urging her forward. She understood how excited the little girl was. Disney World was a child’s dream come true. Mickey Mouse had waved at Skye, Minnie had danced in front of her, and Cinderella had hugged her back. Moments Skye would never forget.

Brooke glanced at Adam and noticed his smile was as wide as hers. As the advertising proclaimed, it was a magical place for a child full of imagination. Though she didn’t want to admit it, Brooke had secretly oohed and ahhed at seeing Cinderella. But then, she liked fairy tales. They were so far removed from reality.

“Skye, honey, we need a break. How about a cool drink?” said Adam.

“Okay, and then can Brooke and I go on the Small World ride again?” said Skye.

Adam gave her a sympathetic look. “How about it, Brooke?”

She laughed. “Okay, after the cool drink.”

Adam leaned closer and whispered. “I owe you big time, don’t I?”

“Oh, yeah,” she said. “I’m going to have this song running through my mind for at least a month.”

“C’mon,” said Skye, giving Brooke’s arm another tug.

“Okay, here’s a place for a drink right here,” Brooke said. “I’ll grab a seat. Dad will get us drinks.” A shiver ran through her. Was this what it was like to be part of a family of her own? She glanced at the happiness on Skye’s face and knew she wanted this someday.