Page 62 of Waves of Hope

“Marvelous,” she said, excited by the progress made for one of many kids who needed help. “One step after another.”

He grinned. “Hey, I like that. We should use that phrase in our publicity.”

Pleased, she shrugged. “Okay. I can work that into some of the promo stuff I’m designing for your group.”

His gaze settled on her. “I like that you’re so willing to help. I know you’ve been successful in the business.”

“I like this kind of work better. It’s making me realize it was time for a change.”

“Change can be a good thing.” He got up from his chair at the kitchen table. “Thanks for lunch. I’m going to lie down for a while.”

“I’m going to read,” she said. “And then, if you’d like, I’ll drive you to see Dr. Gleason.”

“Okay, I’ve got a killer headache and don’t want to be bothered to drive again.”

Hopefully, after talking to Dr. Gleason, he’d decide to return with her to Sanderling Cove, where he could be assured plenty of rest.


Later, when Charlotte picked him up from his appointment, she gave him a questioning look.

He was quiet as he settled in the passenger seat and hooked his seatbelt.

“How’d it go?”

His expression was sad as he turned to her. “I was able to talk to her about the visions I had. As you said, it’s not that unusual under the circumstances, but we talked about them in depth, and I’ve agreed to go back and see her after I feel better. She thinks it’s a wise idea for me to go back to Sanderling Cove and rest there, to reassure Granny Liz.”

Charlotte couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face. “When do you want to leave?”

“Tomorrow morning, first thing. I know you need to get back, and that will give you time to get organized for your Sunday morning crowd.”

“That’ll be perfect,” Charlotte said. “While you were napping, I mixed up a little barbeque sauce for the chicken. We’ll have a nice easy dinner and a relaxing evening before heading to bed.” Hearing her words, Charlotte felt heat rise to her cheeks. She knew she shouldn’t be thinking of Shane and bed together, but the thought had intruded, and now she couldn’t get rid of it.

He noticed her discomfort and winked at her, making her turn away in confusion. She felt a hand on her shoulder and faced him. “It’s silly, I know. We’re just friends. Right?”

His blue-eyed gaze rested on her, and then he slowly nodded.

“Thought so,” she said, forcing a smile. “The last thing either of us needs right now is something more than that.”

“Agreed,” he mumbled without looking at her.


They’d just finished dinner when Jed arrived. “Did I miss anything?” he asked, glancing at their empty plates.

“Have you had dinner?” Charlotte asked.

He shook his head. “Too busy at the office. Got any leftovers?”

Shane got to his feet. “There’s more chicken keeping warm on the grill. I’ll bring it in.”

“Thanks.” Jed took off his sport coat and loosened his tie. He turned to Charlotte. “How are things going? Are you making sure he gets some rest?”

“Yes. Better yet, Shane has agreed to go back to Sanderling Cove. Did you get the message?”

“Yes, that’s why I’m here. I just wanted to make sure everything’s all right. We need him back in the office, but not until he’s healed.” Jed turned as Shane walked in carrying a plate of grilled chicken.

“Talking about me?” he said, setting the plate down on the table.