Page 43 of Waves of Hope

Livy laughed. “It’s not going to be easy to stick to our budget, but Brooke will make sure we do. She’s a taskmaster, for sure.”

“Me?” said Brooke. “I heard that. Just sticking to my job. What’s going on with you two?”

“I’m going to open the cocktail hour, and then I have a date,” said Livy. “Eric Simon asked me to go out to a bar he likes. He couldn’t get Morgan to go with him, so I said I’d go. We’re not into each other except as friends. Besides, tomorrow he has to go back to his condo in Tampa because he has some surgeries scheduled this week.”

“I admire him and his work,” said Charlotte. “When you think about it, there are a lot of interesting people in the cove families. Have fun. I’m staying in tonight because I have to get up early for breakfast time tomorrow.” She shook her head. “I don’t know how you did it, Livy, getting up at 4 o’clock each morning to bake.”

Livy laughed. “This is a lot easier.”

“I’m going to babysit Skye tonight,” said Brooke. “Mimi Karen had plans for the evening. Adam and Dylan are hitting a couple of bars, and I agreed to watch her. I don’t mind. She’s adorable.”

“You’ll make such a fabulous mother one day,” said Livy.

“Yes, and you’re so loving with Aunt Jo,” Charlotte said. “How are things going with her and you?”

A shadow passed over Brooke’s features. “She’s not calling me every day like she usually does. When we talk, she seems to be down, but we’ve agreed to talk no more often than every three days, and I think it’s best that way. She can’t rely upon me as her social life.”

Charlotte placed an arm around Brooke. “I envy your relationship with your mother, but I know it’s been hard on you. I’m glad you’re here with us.”

Brooke’s face brightened. “Yeah. Gran told me in no uncertain terms to change the old pattern of constantly checking on her as she wants, making sure she’s happy. ‘Time for both of us to be independent,’ she said.”

Charlotte exchanged glances with Livy. “Livy and I support you. Let us know if we can help.”

“Thanks.” Brooke’s eyes were shiny with tears. “I can’t tell you how happy I am to be here.”

“Group hug,” said Livy, and the three of them wrapped their arms around one another.

Later, Charlotte checked to make sure no phone calls had come in to the office, and then she left the Inn to go for a walk on the beach.

Outside, the early evening sun was playing hide and seek with puffy white clouds. She slipped off her sandals and wiggled her toes in the sand, her thoughts drifting to what she’d told Brooke. It was true. She wished she had a different kind of relationship with her mother, a kinder one, a gentler acceptance of one another.

She walked into the frothy foam at the water’s edge and took another step, allowing the water to swirl above her ankles. Its coolness refreshed her even as her mind spun. Brooke wanted a family; Livy wanted to continue her cooking in a different setting, in a different way. But what did she want for herself?

Charlotte thought of her work with the Family First group and realized she’d been happier doing that than she’d been in a long time. And she was learning to love the hospitality business even as she wondered if she wanted to work 24/7. Maybe she was spoiled as her mother thought. Many people had to work long hours. Some had to work two jobs, or even three to get by. Why did she feel so restless?

Staring out at the movement of the waves, she realized what had been bothering her. She wanted a real relationship with a man she liked before she even loved him. Maybe this idea of Gran and her friends to bring all the cove kids together wasn’t a bad one. They were people she could trust, people who might help her understand her previous reluctance to get involved in a deep relationship. In New York, she was sometimes shallow—someone she didn’t necessarily like. Here, she could be the person Gran had always loved.

She turned at the call of her name and faced Shane. Her lips curved happily. “Hi. What are you doing here?”

He shrugged. “Morgan and I are going out. She’s been asking me, and I think she’s feeling a little left out.”

“Morgan can be a lot of fun,” said Charlotte, surprisingly protective of her. Even though Morgan could go overboard on getting noticed, Charlotte understood how hard it would be to compete for attention when her sister Melissa was around. Melissa was a presence that Morgan couldn’t match.

“Yeah,” said Shane. “It’s no big deal. Just for one evening.” He stood by as she emerged from the water. “I spoke to my partner, Jed. He told me he’s coming here to meet with you on Saturday. Something about the website and contact information.”

“Yes. I spoke with him the other day. He wants to see what I’m doing to the website, and we’re going to get all the contact information squared away. Want to join us?”

“I wish I could, but I promised my Family First family that I’d do something special with them. I can’t back out of it. I’m sure Jed will fill me in.” He studied her and then kicked at the sand with the toe of his running shoe.“Maybe we can go out sometime.”

She studied him. He was a puzzle to her, remote from time to time. “That would be nice.”

“Did your grandmother and John get a respectable sendoff?” Shane asked. “I couldn’t make it here in time to see it.”

“Yes. It’s really happening,” she said. “I’m so excited for them.”

“Me, too,” said Shane, with a note of sincerity in his voice. “They are two of my favorite people. I hope they have a wonderful trip.”

“I’m sure they will,” said Charlotte. “I’d better get back. We have guests in-house, and I want to make sure all is okay.”

Shane went on his way, jogging along the sand with an easy lope. She watched him for a minute and then headed up to the Inn.