Ellie stood in the central yard of the cove, scarcely believing the time had come for her to leave with John for their extended vacation. Where had the days gone? The girls had already been here for two whole weeks, sizing up the situation at the Inn, learning the ropes of being hostess and businesswoman combined. At one time, she’d wondered if she’d be truly comfortable having others tend to her “baby.” Now, she was content to hand it over to her granddaughters. They’d all proven to be more than capable.
“Ellie, we’re certainly going to miss you.” Liz stepped forward out of the crowd who’d gathered to give them a farewell. Liz put her arms around Ellie and whispered in her ear. “Don’t worry. Now that Austin has set up your computer for you, I can let you know exactly what’s going on with our plan. Looks like we might have a few possibilities.”
Chuckling, Ellie returned her hug and glanced at the people around them. On this Saturday morning, most of the young people had joined their elders in wishing them farewell. It did her heart good to see them. As she’d mentioned to her granddaughters, Sanderling Cove was a special place where all the kids had been treated equally by all the adults. Even now, Ellie knew how others were stepping in to help Charlotte, Livy, and Brooke with their plans for the Inn.
Larry Atkins and Sam Ensley were talking with John while the others took turns hugging her. Tears filled Ellie’s eyes. It would be nice to get away, but she’d carry these people and this place with her.