Page 109 of Waves of Hope

“Sophia said your mother had often talked about her death , wanted to be cremated, and didn’t want a big service, just a few friends and family,” Henry said to Shane and Austin. “I suggest you delay any decisions on a memorial service until things have settled down.”

“Sophia told me that Mom wanted you at the service,” said Shane.

“Savannah and I will attend together,” Henry said, looking to Savannah for approval.

She patted his knee. “Yes, the two of us together. I agree that any service should wait. People might need to be notified.”

“Or not,” said Austin glumly.

“Even though the lawyer made the process seem simple, these things take time. I remember how it was when my parents died,” said Savannah to him. “Regardless of what has gone on, it’s a sad occasion. Give yourself time to grieve, Austin. You too, Shane.”

Sitting next to her on the couch, Shane squeezed Charlotte’s hand. “I will. I’ll take phone calls and texts regarding the estate, but I don’t want to go back to Star Island unless I have to. Ricardo made it bearable when he was alive, but it wasn’t a pleasant place for me.”

“Are we agreed we’ll deal with this as necessary but will continue with our normal lives?” said Henry.

“Yes,” said Shane and Austin together.

“I’m sorry you two have such mixed feelings about the situation,” said Henry. “Your mother had her problems.”

Shane glanced at Austin and shrugged. “The problem was we never knew what we were going to get—the nice mother or the other one.”

“I wish things had been different,” Henry said grimly, and Charlotte couldn’t help wondering what his marriage to Diana was like. She glanced at Savannah. Such a sweet, loving woman. Charlotte was glad Henry had found her.

When Henry and Savannah got up to leave, Austin rose too. “I’m going to take off. See you later. Thanks, Charlie, for having me here. I’m going to talk to Granny Liz.”

After the three of them left, Shane turned to her. “Want to take a walk on the beach?”

“Sure, that usually makes me feel better.”

Out on the sand, Charlotte faced the water and drew in deep breaths. Her own emotions were in a whirl. She hadn’t liked Diana, had been furious over her treatment of Shane, but still hated the thought that Diana had died alone and, most likely, on purpose.

She glanced at Shane, knowing he must have some of the same feelings. It was all so senseless.

They walked side by side, stopping every few steps to pick up a shell. Skye was saving seashells, and they were now all contributing to her cache.