Page 106 of Waves of Hope



Charlotte awoke the next morning and lay in bed revisiting the past two days since Henry and Savannah had arrived with Brent and Emma. Being with Shane and his family made her feel included in a way she’d never experienced, as if, whimsically, it was part of a plan that had been put in place a long time ago.

Savannah had confided to her that Shane had never brought another woman to one of the cove picnics. It made Charlotte more certain that she and Shane shared something special. Last night, before he said goodnight to her, he told her that he wanted time alone with her after his family left. They planned a getaway to Key West.

Charlotte checked the time and got out of bed. She was becoming used to being up early in the morning to help get things organized for the day at the Inn. Though Livy and Brooke were helping her in the afternoons by managing the hotel while Shane’s family was here, she’d agreed to keep to her morning schedule. Livy worked in the kitchen most days, but when she was off, she usually slept in. This morning wasn’t one of those days.

After getting dressed for the day, Charlotte hurried over to the Inn. Billy Bob was in the kitchen. She greeted him and went into the dining room. She needed to put out fresh coffee, hot water for tea, and muffins for guests wanting a little something before breakfast.

After getting that ready, she went into the kitchen. Livy was there mixing up fresh biscuits. Billy Bob was cooking bacon strips. Though he was a quiet man, he seemed to be getting along with Livy, who was humming a song to the music on her phone.

“I’ll be in the office if you need me,” said Charlotte. “I want to check the website and the phone for messages.”

Livy looked up from the dough she was working on and nodded.

Inside the office, Charlotte sat down at the desk and pulled up the website on the computer. Looking at it, she could hardly wait to complete the upgrade. Compared to what she was creating, this one was bland.

On the website, someone requested information and dates for the fall. Charlotte made a note of it. She was to meet with the printers on an updated brochure as soon as she and her cousins approved all changes. Now that they had a number of new photographs and the new logo to add, she was eager to get it going.

She checked for messages on the phone. One of their guests was requesting extra towels in their room this morning. She made a note for Beryl and called the room. No one answered, so Charlotte left a message that a housekeeper would leave extra towels for them.

When Henry and Savannah came in for breakfast, Charlotte eagerly greeted them. “It’s going to be another beautiful day. Do you have plans?”

“Henry and I are going to visit friends in Sarasota,” Savannah said. “We haven’t seen them in a while, and it’ll be a treat to catch up.”

Henry’s cell rang. He stepped away and took the call. When he returned, he was visibly upset. “That was Sophia Morales. I can’t believe it.” Henry took a breath and slowly released it.

“What?’ asked Savannah.

“Diana’s dead.” He shook his head as if he couldn’t believe it. “Sophia found Diana dead.”

“Oh, honey, I’m sorry,” said Savannah, wrapping her arms around him. “Was it drugs? Did she kill herself as she’d threatened so many times?”

When he nodded, Charlotte’s heart dropped. As angry as Shane had been with his mother, he would be upset to learn this news.

He stared into space. “Sophia asked me to tell Shane and Austin. She wants the three of us to come there right away.” He scrubbed his palm over his face. “This is a mess. They both have had terrible arguments with Diana recently, and I don’t want them to think any of this was their fault.”

“What can I do to help?” asked Charlotte.

“I don’t know.” Henry turned to her. “I’ll call Shane and Austin. As soon as they’re ready, we’ll eat a quick breakfast and be on our way. Sophia needs us. She’s hysterical. She called 911, and the police are there now.”

Charlotte hurried into the kitchen to tell Livy what had happened. “I’m going to go to Granny Liz’s to check on Shane.”

“Oh, yes. By all means, go,” said Livy. “I’ll call Brooke and ask her to come in.”

Charlotte flew out the door and raced across the lawn to Granny Liz’s house. Like their father, she was worried about how Shane and his brother would react to the news.

Granny Liz was on the front porch and got to her feet as Charlotte approached. “What’s going on?”

Charlotte filled her in. “Henry has called them. He’s taking them to Diana’s house right away. Sophia needs them.”

“That’s awful. I’m sorry it’s come to this,” said Granny Liz shaking her head.

“Henry doesn’t want Shane and Austin to feel responsible in any way.”

“Yes, that’s important,” said Granny Liz. “Their relationship with their mother has always been difficult, unsteady.”