Page 44 of Waves of Hope



Brooke loved when Skye greeted her with a hug. She knelt beside her.

“We’re going to have fun tonight. I’ll tuck you in with stories. Your Daddy said you like books. I do, too.”

“Can we read a Charlie and Zeke story?” asked Skye.

“Sure. Do you have one here?” Lee Merriweather had written a series of books about a boy named Charlie and his dog Zeke and all the discoveries they made about the world around them.

Skye raced away.

“I appreciate your doing this for me,” said Adam facing her. “It’s been a while since I’ve been able to get away for an evening.”

“I’m happy to do it,” Brooke said, smiling at him. “I like kids, and I didn’t have any other plans.”

“Mom said she was sorry she couldn’t be here to thank you herself,” Adam said.

“No worries. As I said, I’m happy to do this.” She turned as Skye came running toward her holding a book. “Here it is.”

“Terrific. We’ll read it later. I thought we’d play a game or two before bedtime.” She held up the deck of cards she’d borrowed from the Inn.

Skye’s eyes rounded. “Really?”

“Sure,” said Brooke. She knew several card games after playing so many of them with her mother when she was young.

“Sounds like you two are going to have fun, Punkin. Give Daddy a kiss goodbye,” Adam stooped to hug Skye, who threw her arms around his neck.

“’ Bye.”

“Where’s Dylan?” Brooke asked as he straightened.

Adam gave her a teasing grin. “Waiting for me to pick him up. I’m driving. Safer that way.”

He and Brooke laughed together. Dylan would never live down the night he’d snuck booze out of his grandparents’ home when he was fourteen and had proceeded to get drunk, even driving their car in the driveway and on the road around the cove. He’d never been much of a drinker since.


Even though Skye was asleep, Brooke continued reading aloud the last page of a book about a pig who wanted to fly. The story, and the moral behind it, was adorable. Then, carefully, she closed the book and placed it on top of the pile of books they’d read together. In the morning, Skye would find them nearby.

She went downstairs and out to the porch. There, she drew in a breath of fresh salty air and lowered herself into one of the rocking chairs. Skye was a lovely child who made Brooke realize how much she wanted children of her own, but she was hesitant about the idea of commitment. This summer was her time to find herself, to be free to do what she wanted, and when. Charlotte and Livy might think they knew her, but they’d be surprised at how determined she was to step away from any relationship that might become serious. Maybe, like Livy, she’d be willing to socialize with so-called friends, but that would be all.