Page 21 of Waves of Hope



Livy had hoped for a sister after her mother remarried. She’d received two younger brothers instead. Now, gazing around the table, Livy felt as close to her cousins as she would to any sister.

The idea of spending a summer lazing about was no longer her wish. She wanted to help Gran with the Inn. And the thought of possibly preparing a dinner once in a while was thrilling. She loved baking, always would. But now, she could try something different.

She glanced at Gran and wondered what a trip with Gran and John would be like. She could well imagine them interacting with others wherever they went. The hospitality business meant dealing with people every day, and they did that job well.

A sad look had crossed Gran’s face when she mentioned John’s health issue. Yet, the two of them shared a special love that not many people had. Livy recalled Melissa Worthington’s joy over the size of the diamond ring her fiancé had given her as if that was the most important thing about her engagement. Then, her thoughts turned to Grace and her partner. Grace had quietly spoken of Belinda with an unmistakable loving tone. If the time came for her to consider getting serious with anyone, Livy wanted what Gran and Grace had. Not a big flashy ring.

Gran turned to her. “Is staying here and taking over the kitchen something you want? I know how tired you are, how much you said you wanted to relax and do nothing.”

“I’m pretty excited about the idea,” Livy said. “I’m also going to test selling baked items to restaurants. Maybe it would bring in extra money.”

“No, sweetie, I don’t want you to think we won’t cover living expenses for you while you’re here. We’ve set aside an account for that.” She gave them each a steady look. “There’s something else you should know. John and I are married. When we realized the legal ramifications of needing to be able to decide what to do for each other as far as health issues, we quietly took care of it.”

“What?” cried Livy.

“But, Gran,” said Brooke. “What about the family? Didn’t you want to share it with us and our parents? Won’t they be hurt?”

“Well, that’s what we wanted to avoid. My daughters have not been comfortable with the idea of John and me living together, and I didn’t want them to think I was getting married for their approval. I know that might seem harsh to you, but that’s the way I feel.”

“Bravo, Gran,” said Charlotte. “I admire you for your independence.”

Gran held up a hand. “I’m not trying to be difficult, you understand. I was married to your grandfather, but after finding out what he’d done by gambling away my future, I vowed to never remarry. But, I love John and want to be there for him when he needs me.”

“I think you have every right to do as you please. You’re not hurting anyone else by being independent,” said Charlotte. “I can’t wait to see my mother’s face when you tell her.”

“That’s another thing,” said Gran. “I’m not planning on telling anyone else. My four best friends here in Sanderling Cove already know, of course, but it shouldn’t matter to anyone else.” She shook her finger at them. “But if you think I’d approve of your doing something like this, marrying without your family, you’d be wrong. Your parents would just blame me.”

“My mother is going to be disappointed to think she missed out,” said Brooke. “But, don’t worry, I won’t say a word.”

“Thank you,” Gran said quietly, and Livy understood that this matter of independence was who she was.

After they discussed what role each would play going forward, Livy and her cousins headed out to the beach.

A summer storm was brewing, and they knew it wouldn’t be long before a thunderstorm took away some of the heavy humidity that clung to them as they flipped off their sandals and headed to the water’s edge.

There, Livy stood with the others facing the Gulf waves rolling in toward them then pulling away in a steady rhythm as old as time.

Life was taking on a new meaning. As she watched a trio of pelicans skim the water’s surface looking for food, she thought it was right for the three of them to be together to help Gran and John. Through the years, they’d given her and her cousins a deep love and a sense of belonging that didn’t exist in the same way outside of Sanderling Cove.