Page 18 of Waves of Hope



When they returned to Gran’s house after the party, Charlotte turned to her cousins. “Let’s meet in my room. Girl talk time. I want to compare notes.”

Livy and Brooke both agreed, but Charlotte noticed how quiet Brooke was and wondered what had happened to dim her mood. She’d been chatting with others but seemed subdued.

“Okay,” said Livy. “Give me a few minutes. I can’t wait to hear all the news from the two of you.”

Brooke raced up the stairs ahead of them.

Charlotte turned to Livy. “What’s wrong with her?”

Livy shrugged. “I don’t know. I saw her talking to Austin, and she seemed upset, but I didn’t want to interfere.”

Charlotte followed Livy upstairs, deep in thought. When she’d spoken to Austin, he hadn’t had much to say, but that wasn’t unusual at a party like this. He was more of a one-on-one conversationalist. Right now, everybody was trying to get reacquainted and kept to broad topics.

She changed into pajama shorts and a tank top. As she brushed her teeth, Livy and Brooke entered her room and plopped down on her bed. Charlotte grinned with anticipation. It had been years since this had happened.

“Okay, give me a rundown on everything,” said Charlotte, curling up on the bed beside her cousins.

“Before we begin, I have news that you need to know about,” said Brooke looking grim. “I didn’t want to say anything before now because I didn’t want to ruin the party for you. But Austin let it slip that Gran is thinking of selling the Inn.”

“Wha-a-at?” cried Charlotte. “Why would she do that without telling the family first?”

“Do you think that’s why she invited us here together? To give us the news?” asked Livy.

“Let’s find out,” said Charlotte. “She stayed behind to help Granny Liz, but she should be coming home any minute.”

Unusually quiet, they moved down to the kitchen. Charlotte was saddened by the idea of the Inn being sold and suspected Brooke and Livy were too.

While they waited for Gran, they chatted about Melissa’s engagement and other news.

“Grace asked if I’d be willing to supply baked goods to her restaurant sometime in the future,” Livy said.

“Shane thought I might be able to help him with some marketing for a charity he’s involved with,” offered Charlotte.

“I overheard Jake telling someone we were working together for a while,” said Brooke.

“Seems to me like it’s going to be a busy summer,” Charlotte said, her mind whirling with ideas.

“Sh-h-h,” Livy hushed them. “Here comes Gran.”

“Surprise!” they cried when she entered the kitchen.

Gran clapped a hand to her breast. “Surprise indeed. I thought you girls would be upstairs chattering like old times sake.”

“Actually, we’re waiting here to talk to you,” said Charlotte.

“Austin told me you’re thinking of selling the Inn. Is that true?” said Brooke.

Gran sighed and took a seat at the kitchen table. “I’m not sure. I didn’t want to discuss it with you until you’d had a chance to settle in. I needed to see if you all were going to be happy here for a while. John and I have planned an extended summer vacation. We hope you three will manage the Inn while we’re gone. After that, we’ll make a decision about selling it.”

Brooke took hold of Gran’s hand. “Are you okay? You’ve never taken much time off. What’s the occasion?”

Gran let out another long sigh. “John’s doctor told him his heart is failing. My lawyer informed me I’m of an age where I need to think of the time when I can no longer handle the work. Things haven’t been running as well as they should or can. We need to have fresh marketing ideas, new computer systems for reservations, front and back-office accounting, and a better way of doing things. I know how talented you all are in different areas and thought you might help us. It would be a blessing if you’re willing to stay and manage the Inn while we’re away.”

“Why didn’t you come right out and ask us when you invited us here?” Livy said. Gran was usually very direct.