‘That kind of man will never be happy,’ Nina says. ‘I get the five-year plan and all – we’ve all had them. But they don’t always work out and in the meantime, they’ve wasted the best years of their girlfriend’s life.’

‘Don’t let that happen to you, Emmie,’ Rosie says softly. ‘Listen to me. I was in a similar situation, only I already had the kid. Mark was never there for me. I raised Danny on my own, until Mitchell came into my life. So don’t wait for the dream. Make it yourself. Grab what you want. Now. And if Stephen doesn’t want to share your dreams…’

‘Then he shouldn’t share your life,’ Nina says.

‘Maybe we’re being too pushy,’ Faith says. ‘You need time to think, time to heal, without being pushed in any direction.’

I look around the table at my new friends. ‘I do need time to think, yes. But seeing how happy you all are, I want that for myself, too. I haven’t been happy in…’ I swallow.

‘Oh, Emmie, you will be, very soon,’ Rosie promises. ‘All you need is to take that leap of faith.’

‘Maybe that’s what I’m lacking. Faith. Confidence. My engagement is in a few days and I still haven’t had the talk with him. He has no idea I want out. And what if I sell my flat, leave my job, move down here and start my own business, and it’s a complete flop?’

‘It won’t be,’ Nina says. ‘But just to stay on the safe side, don’t sell your flat just yet. Let it out. Be cautious. Take a sabbatical and try living here before you decide.’

‘And live where, in the meantime? My grandmother isn’t the easiest to get along with. The cottage I inherited is being contested by that dreadful Jago Moon, alongside the barge that I wanted to be my business. And I have to put up with him as my business partner.’

‘Sounds like a recipe for disaster,’ Nina says.

‘Or a love potion,’ Rosie titters.

‘Oh, that’s not happening,’ I assure. ‘I can barely stand the bloke.’

‘Well, you never know. Stranger things have happened…’

I sigh. ‘I’ve got to get back to my grandmother.’

‘How is Lady Mary?’ Nina asks.

‘Oh, you know – same old pain in the arse.Get me this, get me that, where’s my tea, what do you think you’re wearing.’

They laugh.

‘That’s old Mary for you,’ Nina says.

I nod. ‘That’s what Jago calls her – old Mary.’

‘To her face?’ Faith asks. ‘That man has more balls than I thought.’

‘Poor Jago…’ Rosie sighs. ‘I feel so sorry for him.’

‘Me, too, in a way,’ I confess. ‘I mean, he has to have a reason for being that much of an arse, right? It’s like he thinks the world owes him a living or something.’

Silence around the table.

‘OK. So all of you know what happened with him, as well? I can’t get the truth out of anybody around here. Come on, then, fess up.’

‘We can’t, Emmie, I’m so sorry,’ Rosie apologised. ‘We swore we never would. But we can only say one thing – if you’re leaving your boyfriend and moving to Cornwall, don’t do it for Jago.’

‘Wha-at?’ I laugh. ‘Of course not! I told you – I can barely stand him. In any case, if I’m going to become a Cornish citizen—’

‘Then you’ll find out soon enough,’ Nina says. ‘Or he’ll eventually tell you himself.’

‘That’s not happening,’ Faith says. ‘You know what he’s like.’

‘Forget about it,’ I say. ‘I’m not interested in his secrets, just as long as they don’t involve me.’

‘Emmie,’ Nat says, ‘from Jago Moon, expect anything, anytime.’