‘I don’t remember doing anything like that.’

I mentally roll my eyes. ‘You sent me my scarf.’

His eye twitches. It’s his tell.

‘Doesn’t sound like something I’d do.’

‘Oh, come on, you can’t have been that drunk,’ I contest, then bite my lip.

‘Maybe I was, maybe I wasn’t.’

‘Listen, thank you for taking care of me. I can walk home now.’

‘I’ll walk you back. You never know. We’ll talk business another time.’

‘OK,’ I agree, wondering what the grandmother is going to say when she sees him. ‘Listen, I’m sorry about barging into the… barge like that… the other day.’

‘You were a bit presumptuous, in fact,’ he agrees. ‘But I forgive you.’

‘Thank you. That’s very gracious of you. A bit uncharacteristic, but gracious all the same. So, how are we going to solve this?’ I ask. ‘Are we going to involve lawyers, or are we going to come to an agreement of our own?’

‘It’s simple,’ he answers. ‘You leave me the barge.’

‘In exchange for what?’

‘The cottage.’

‘Again. You’d rather have the barge, as cool as it is, rather than bricks and mortar that will increase in value as opposed to a boat?’


‘But why? You already have a house. And a business.’

‘The barge is my home.’

‘Well, you can’t have it all.’

‘So, you’re not willing to compromise?’

‘I don’t know if I can trust you. Why do you want the barge? Is it lined with gold?’

He laughs bitterly. ‘On the contrary. It’s a renovated wreck.’

‘Then why is it so important to you?’

He sighs, rubbing his thighs. He wants to tell me. But at the same time he doesn’t. Luckily for him, we’re at the gates of Heatherton Hall.

I stop and turn. ‘I think it’s best that you don’t show your face around here for now.’

He nods, looking out over the expansive emerald grounds. ‘You do realise where this is going, yes?’

‘Hopefully towards an agreement.’

‘Oh, there’ll be an agreement alright. Because eventually, you’re going to succumb to my lack of charm.’

I laugh. ‘You are funny. I didn’t think you were, but you are.’

He grins back. ‘Glad to have surprised you once again.’