The Million Pound Bank Note, Mark Twain

‘Two million pounds?’ Maisie screeches. ‘Bloody hell! For that kind of dosh,I’llmarry you.’

‘And a cottage and a boat. Why would he leave all that to me when he didn’t even know me?’

‘Because you’re his only living blood relative?’

‘He could have remembered that a bit earlier, don’t you think?’

‘Emmie, are you kidding me? You’ve just inherited a fortune and you’re playing the pride card?’

‘I just think that he could have been there for me while I was growing up. They both could have, him and that harridan. And besides, most of it’s going in inheritance taxes.’

‘Ungrateful, much,’ she quips.

‘Not in the least. I’m extremely grateful but overwhelmed. The upkeep of a house and a boat cost a lot. What am I going to do when it runs out?’

‘Emmie, may I suggest the obvious? You sell everything and put it in a safe place where Stephen can’t get to it.’

‘Stephen doesn’t need my money, Maisie.’

‘No, but there’s a huge difference between need and greed.’

‘But I can’t sell up. It was my grandfather’s gift to me.’

‘His gift to you was your financial freedom. Why else would he leave you all that money if not to do anything you like with it?’

I hesitate.

‘Emmie, you’ve been handed the chance of a lifetime. Why don’t you take this stroke of luck as a sign to start over –withoutStephen…’

‘Maisie, I’m not with him because of the money.’

‘I know that. And now you can buy yourself a nice flat and maybe even apply to another school where you won’t have to see him every day. I’ll tell you what – I’ll quit, too, and we can apply to schools together! It’ll be just like when we were students.’

I laugh. ‘Easy, Maisie. I can’t make a decision just like that. I need to find my feet first.’

‘So what kind of shop is it?’

‘It’s a shop that sells everything but the kitchen sink.’

‘Quirky! So you’re going to let your new business partner run it? Have you met them yet?’

I hesitate. Here she goes, Maisie on her field trip.

‘That I have.’

‘Are they nice?’

‘It’s a he, and actually, he’s not anybody’s ideal partner. So can you guess who it is?’

A gasp. ‘No! Jago Moon, the slosher?’

‘In the flesh.’

‘Oh my bloody God, I can’t believe it! It’s asign!’ she squeals.