
‘Nothing. I’ve heard absolutely nothing. The man is married to his work.’

That much is true. If Stephen can’t find the time even to see his fiancée, how on earth is he going to find time for the… extras? Besides, Stephen isn’t like that. Which is one of the reasons I love him.

The drunkard passes us on his way to his table and slides us what is more a sneer than a smile.

‘Oh my God, justlookat him!’ she moans.

‘I know, right?’ I agree. ‘What an unbelievable arse!’

‘It’s not just his arse – have you seen the width of hisshoulders?’

I stop and stare at her. ‘Are you serious? The man is an absolute jerk. Did you not see the look on his face of total disdain? Who the bloody hell does he think he is?’

‘I don’t know who he is, but we’re going to find out and get you hooked up before you leave.’

I put my hands on my hips. ‘Is that why you came down here with me? Just to try to get me to sleep with someone before my engagement party?’

Maisie shrugs. ‘Someone has to, and as your maid of honour, thehonouris all mine.’

‘Yes, well, I can still fire you from that job.’

‘Please do, then,’ she begs. ‘You know how against this wedding farce I’ve always been anyway.’

‘It’s not a farce, Maisie. Stephen and I love each other and we’re getting married.’

‘God Almighty, you sound just like one of those clueless damsels in one of those historical novels who pledge their eternal love to the wrong man.’

I bristle. She’s never been in love, treating her one-night stands like sworn enemies the next morning. At this rate, she’ll never find someone to love if she chucks them out the minute she’s done.

‘Maybe you should try him for yourself,’ I urge.

She dismisses me with her hands. ‘Please. I need a man who will be sober andrememberme berating him the next morning. But you, my dear, could use a little rough and tumble before your big day. Your mother-in-law would freak at the sole idea.’

Maisie lets the thought sit there for a while and finally decides it’s hilarious, suddenly cackling in delight. Despite myself, so do I. Oh, it feels sogoodto laugh! I can’t remember the last time I laughed so hard.

‘I need the loo,’ I suddenly decide as I slide off the seat.

‘Have fun,’ Maisie says.

I steer clear of the man’s table, relieved to see he’s gone, and barely make it through the door, my bladder on the verge of bursting.

‘You sure like to keep a man waitin’,’ comes a deep murmur from behind me.

I whirl round and there he is, the slosher, leaning against the sinks. In the mirror I can see the back of him, which is just as perfect as the front. Boozer or not, he is indeed a looker.

‘I… uh…’ I falter, but he just watches me like a hawk, assessing his prey. ‘I only came in to, uhm…’

‘Sure you did,’ he drawls, but his eyes are telling me he doesn’t believe me.

Up close, he’s not as handsome. The quality of his features is still there, but he lacks in freshness, as if he’s been pushed through a mangle, mauled by life itself. His eyes are red and rimmed, marks of a difficult life, and a scruffy beard hides a strong jaw.

But there’s no fierce dignity you’d expect from a man who stands at least a head taller than the rest. To me it seems that there’s little left of what may have been a young man with an entire life ahead of him.

He’s obviously a bad boy who doesn’t care to be accepted. Dangerous. The kind you avoid like the Black Death. I shouldn’t even be anywhere near him. And yet, here I am, against all odds. And, against my better judgment, not running a mile. Or two. What am I still doing here (besides the fact that I need a wee), six inches away from him and those hungry eyes of his?

Maybe Maisie could tackle him, but there’s absolutely no chance for me. I don’t know what to do or how to deal with men like him. Which is just as well. Because he and I have absolutely no business in the same room, let alone a toilet.