
Twenty years ago

‘Jago Moon!’ the old man called across the glistening cove, his voice echoing over the deserted waves. ‘You get back here with my granddaughter right now!’

Huddled behind a rock at the far end of the inlet, young Jago and Miranda tried to stifle their giggles.

‘No more games! Jago!’ Nano tried again. ‘You know you’re the only person I trust her with!’

At that, Jago peeked round the corner to see Nano scratching his head, face crumpled against the Cornish morning sun, and his heart lurched with guilt. Nano had always been kind to him. He’d been the father he’d never had.

‘My word, if you’ve taken her out on my barge again, I’ll personally kick you all the way down the coast!’

‘Enough, Miranda,’ Jago said, his heart softening as he moved to spring up. ‘He’s getting really worried now…’

‘It’sfine!’ Miranda hissed, grabbing him by the wrist. ‘We’re just having a bit of fun.’

Biting his lip, Jago looked over at his old friend, who was now negotiating the boulders blocking his path. ‘I don’t want to upset him, with his heart troubles and all. Let’s go.’

‘Not yet,’ Miranda commanded. ‘Kiss me again first…’

Jago glanced down at the love of his young life and felt his heart melt instantly. There was nothing he could refuse her.

Shaking his head in defeat, Nano exhaled heavily, the rocks too much of a barrier. ‘One day the two of you will be the death of me…’ Nano muttered to himself as, resigned, he turned and headed back up alone to the village of Starry Cove.