Page 67 of Healing Hearts


Andrea, Cora, Josephine, and Rory sat at the table going over some great sites where Rory could take her bridal photos if she chose to have the event in Oak Harbor.

“What are you girls doing?” their mother asked as she stepped through the door.

“Hey, Mom. We were just going through some photos. You know, to show Rory the best the island has to offer,” Cora explained.

“That’s great. Did you show her Dugualla?” she asked, coming to take a seat.

“Yeah, that’s a great one. Jo, pull that one up,” Andrea instructed.

Josephine typed in the name, pulling up the state park that offered a wonderful view of the bay and mountain range in the background.

“How are you feeling, Mom?” Andrea asked, recalling that last week she had two episodes of muscle spasms that had made her feel down.

“I’m okay. I guess we can write this off as a good week,” she replied with a grin.

Andrea reached over and grasped her mother’s hand in encouragement while Cora sat beside her hugging her to her side.

“We’re glad, Mom. We know it won’t always be easy, but we’ll always be here for you.”

Becky gave her daughters a grateful smile.

“You may not agree with me, but you girls are my heroes. To think that you all left home with nothing but what you brought with you, and still you persevered to be where you are now. I’m not sure I would have been able to do it. I’ve ever only known one life and one way, and that was being married to your father and living here.”

Andrea rounded the island to embrace her mother.

“Mom.” She sighed as the others joined in the hug.

“Oh, I had the call with the lawyer last night,” Rory informed the group of women.

“How did it go, sweetie?” Andrea asked, forgetting that the appointment had been yesterday.

“If being half a million dollars richer means that it went well, then it went well,” she revealed with a wide grin.

The woman stared at her wide-eyed.

“Oh my God, that’s…that’s great,” Andrea managed to get out. She was happy for her daughter and, in some way, thankful to David for finally doing the right thing in his death.

The other women congratulated her before they settled back in their seats.

“I have more good news,” she said, causing the chatter to stop again and for all eyes to be turned to her.

“I have decided to have the wedding here. I spoke with James already, and he is in total agreement.”

Just like that, the merriment went up tenfold.

Andrea placed her hand over her chest as she stared lovingly at her daughter, but she couldn’t force any words through her lips.

“Mom, aren’t you happy?” Rory asked, concerned.

“I am, sweetie, but only if you are sure.”

Rory held her mother’s hand and squeezed.

“I’m very sure,” she confirmed.

With that, Andrea brought her daughter to her chest and hugged her with all her love. Afterward, Rory left to meet up with Kerry’s daughter.