Page 45 of Healing Hearts



Andrea couldn’t understand why she felt so nervous being alone with Donny. The awkward silence that had stretched on between them since the departure of the other firefighters was getting to her, and she needed him to say something or just call it a night and take her back to her Jeep.

“So…” he echoed, seemingly as nervous as she. “How does it feel to be back in Oak Harbor?” he asked eventually.

Andrea looked at him, surprised. “How did you know I just came back to Oak Harbor?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Donny scratched the back of his neck. “Well, I asked Captain Braun about you, and he told me you moved back after your father’s death. I hope you don’t mind,” he spoke sheepishly.

“No, it’s fine.” She smiled. “It saves me the time of me explaining why we’ve never met before a week ago.”

“True,” he agreed.

“What else did the captain tell you about me?” she asked, curious.

Donny shrugged. “Not much, really, just that you have two other sisters and that you’re a big deal in the social media field.”

Andrea chuckled. “So basically not much then,” she quantified.

“I guess not,” Donny returned. “Why don’t you tell me something more about yourself. Any pets, kids?”

“No pets. I did have a Labradoodle a few years back, but he died, and I didn’t get around to having another pet. I just couldn’t bear going through such a loss again.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Donny expressed.

She could see the sincerity in his eyes.

“Thanks… I do have a daughter, though. She’s my pride and joy.” A smile broke out at the mention of her daughter. “She’s the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I don’t know what I would do if I ever lost her,” she confessed, the weight of her words causing a sinking feeling in her chest.

“I know what you mean,” Donny offered, causing her to raise her head to see the knowing look he gave her. “I have two sons. I can’t imagine ever losing them,” he revealed.

Andrea grinned.

“I have pictures. Would you like to see them?” he asked.

“Of course.”

Donny reached for his wallet and flipped it open. “This is Trey; he’s nineteen. He wants to become a fireman, but I wanted him to go to college, so the compromise is he’s taking a few courses at the community college on Pioneer Way.”

“You’re talking about Skagit Valley College?” she asked.

“He’ll do the two years, and then if he still wants to be a firefighter, I promised him I wouldn’t stand in his way.”

“That’s a good compromise,” Andrea agreed.

Donny gave her a smile of gratitude before pointing to another photo of a young man that looked like a younger version of himself. “This is Bruce. He’s twenty-two, married, and they're expecting their first child in six months.”

“Wow, that’s great. You’re going to be a grandpa,” Andrea spoke, all the while cheesing.

“Yeah, it’s so surreal. One minute they're wearing diapers, you’re cleaning scraped knees, seeing them off to college, and then they're starting a family. It still feels like they just came into the world to me,” he pondered.

Andrea raised her chin, understanding his words. “It does. My daughter’s engaged to be married, and yet I still see her as my little baby that I need to protect at all cost,” she confessed.

“A parent’s job is never done, even after they’ve left the nest,” he offered.

The two remained at the bar a full hour after the others had left, just talking about their children and any random thing that came to their minds. They drank the last of their drinks and then made their way out of the bar and headed home.