Page 27 of Healing Hearts

Andrea’s gaze remained fixed on her mother’s face even as they stung with unshed tears.

Cora got up from her seat and gave her mother a hug from behind, resting her head on her shoulder. “We’ll always be here for you, Mom. I promise.”

Andrea got up from her seat to envelope both Cora and her mother in her arms as she rested her head on her mother’s other shoulder. “We’ll always be here for you, Mom,” she reaffirmed Cora’s earlier statement.

At their declaration, Becky raised her hands to rest her palms against her daughters’ cheeks. “I love you both so much… my beautiful girls. What in god’s name did I do to have such a wonderful family?” She placed a gentle kiss on each of their foreheads before they released their embrace.

After Becky left to go visit Marg at the inn, Andrea and Cora took the time to work in sync to wash and put away the dishes.

Hearing her sister release a long exhale, Andrea turned to look at her.

“I feel so helpless, knowing this disease is going to rob Mom of her independence sooner than later, and there isn’t much we can do about it,” Cora expressed as she stood at the sink staring out the window.

“I know,” Andrea confirmed. “Sometimes it feels like I’m holding my breath, waiting for her symptoms to get worse. I mean, she’s lost so much with Dad dying and her not getting to be a part of our lives and being there for her grandchildren when they were growing up, and now… this sickness wants to rob her, rob us of the time we get to spend together.”

Andrea sighed, feeling defeated. She felt her sister’s hand on her shoulder, and she turned her head to look at her once more.

“It’s going to get a lot harder, but we have to remain strong for her, Drea. I want us to try and get the family more involved so that when the hard times come, we’ll always have the memories of these times she got to spend with all of us,” Cora encouraged.

Andrea went to answer her sister, but just then, she heard the distinct ringing of her cell phone from upstairs. “Let me go get that.”

Cora gestured for her to go ahead.

“I’ll be back,” Andrea promised before dashing upstairs to retrieve her ringing phone.

She reached for the phone that lay on the bedside table and brought it to her ear.


“Hello, am I speaking with Andrea Hamilton?” a female’s voice inquired from the other line.

“Yes, this is she,” Andrea confirmed.

“Please hold for Mr. Pennington.”

Shortly afterward, there was a beep before a male’s voice came over the line.

“Ms. Hamilton, this is Arthur Pennington, lawyer for Mr. David Latcher and executor of his estate.”

At the mention of her daughter’s father, her heart slammed against her chest as she waited for the lawyer to continue.

“Ms. Hamilton, it is unfortunate that I have to say this, but Mr. Latcher died three days ago…”