Page 14 of Healing Hearts

Andrea spent the next twenty minutes being reintroduced to the rest of her family.

She met Tessa’s children, Diane, who owned a coffee shop called the Java Bistro in town, and Jake, a graphic designer.

She also met her cousin Kerry who was a divorcee, along with her two children, Tracy and Emma. Uncle Luke’s other son Brian hadn’t made it, but his daughter Nikki came. She worked at her aunt Kerry’s bakery, Heavenly Treats.

Aunt Stacy’s daughter Rhonda was also there with her husband Shawn and their daughter Natalie. The number was incomplete, but she was happy to see so many of her family together again. It was hard to remember them all, along with all their names.

It brought back memories of when they used to have these get-togethers in the backyard and how she and her cousins would entertain themselves with various sporting activities while the adults were preoccupied. Those had been some great times. There were so many great memories.

Even though their children were a lot older than they were, she hoped that they could possibly have the chance to have a bond like they had in the past.

“Where’s Mom?” Andrea asked, looking around the gathering but not seeing her mother anywhere.

“She went to give Marg a plate from the barbecue,” Cora replied.

Andrea remembered Marg was the receptionist at the inn. From the brief introduction they had, she could tell that the woman had a very likable personality.

“Hey, kiddo, come over here and let me show you something.” Andrea looked toward her uncle, who used the tongs in his hand to beckon her. She excused herself and walked over to him.

“Uncle Luke, don’t you think it’s time that name got retired? I’m far from being a kid.”

Uncle Luke gave her a mischievous smile. “You will always be kiddo to me, kid.” He smirked.

Andrea playfully rolled her eyes as she went to stand at his side by the grill.

“I got this for you, but I didn’t want to start a riot by giving it to you in front of everyone. I remembered how you used to love these things.”

Andrea looked down to see her uncle holding out a small gold box for her to take.

“This isn’t what I think it is?” she asked, barely able to contain her excitement.

“Why don’t you open it to find out?” he told her.

Andrea turned toward the grill and carefully lifted the box cover to confirm what she thought.

Tucked neatly into individual sections were six chocolate truffles, her favorite and only guilty pleasure.

“Oh my gosh. Thanks, Uncle Luke.” Reaching her right arm over, she gave him a side hug.

“Anytime, kiddo,” he returned, patting the arm around his shoulder. This time she didn’t protest about still being called by her old nickname.

She discretely placed the box into the side of her jacket before walking over to her sister and cousins to continue conversing.

“Andrea, sweetie, you’re here.”

Andrea turned to see her mother smiling at her, relief reflecting in her light brown eyes.

“Hi, Mom.” Andrea walked over and gave her mother a light kiss on the cheek as she embraced her.

“So, are you only staying a few days again?” Becky asked her daughter as they made their way to sit in the two unoccupied wicker chairs in the corner.

“Actually, Mom, I decided to stay and help Cora with everything. So, I’ll be here a while,” she informed her mother.

“You don’t have to do that, sweetie. I know how busy you must be with your work and all.”

“Mom,” Andrea stopped her mother. “It’s fine. I want to be here for you and for Cora. I know she needs the help. Besides, I can work from anywhere, so it’s fine,” she reasoned.

“In that case, I’m happy you’re here.” Becky beamed, but she could still see the apprehension in her eyes.