Page 10 of Healing Hearts

Ten minutes later, she was pulling into the old gas station that looked as if it had seen better days. She was just happy it was still there. She pulled past the pumps and came to a stop at the small garage at the side.

An older man looking to be in his seventies stepped out in grease-stained overalls, looking at her vehicle with curiosity.

“Mr. Gourdie, it’s Andrea Hamilton, Samuel Hamilton’s—”

“Oh, you’re one of old Sam’s girls,” the man interrupted.

Andrea gave him a sheepish smile.

“It’s a real shame what happened to your father, you know. I’m really sorry for your loss. We were drinking buddies by the old pub on Regatta up until his passing.”

Andrea shook her head in acknowledgment to the fast-talking man before her.

“So, what can I do for you?” he asked.

“Oh, my tire burst, and I didn’t have a spare or the tools to remove it.”

“Let’s take a look then.”

After inspecting the damage, Mr. Gourdie gave her an estimated cost before informing her it wouldn’t be ready before the following day. Andrea grimaced to herself as she dug out her phone.

“Hi, Cora, it’s Andrea. I’m at Mr. Gourdie’s garage. My tire blew out. Can you come to get me?

Andrea leaned up against the building and out of the sun. She just hoped that the rest of the day went by uneventfully.