Trademark Acknowledgements

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following trademarks mentioned in this work of fiction:


Mack Trucks



A big thank you to my amazing beta readers who continue to help me make sure my books are the best they can be.

Claudia and Kylee, not sure what I’d do without you and hopefully I’ll never have to find out!!

Trigger Warning

Listed below are the trigger warnings for this book. Reading them may cause spoilers:

This book contains references to suicide as well as sexual abuse of a child and rape.



The kid definitely didn’t belong here. No question about it.

My eyes tracked his every move as he shifted past a couple of big bears who’d been loitering near the front door in hopes of snagging the freshest meat. And the kid was as close to fresh meat as you could find in a club likeThe Blue Door. Not only was there absolutely no chance he was over twenty-one, he barely looked like he was even legal. But he was trying his damnedest to play the game as he calmly made his way to the bar, ignoring the countless eyes on him.

He settled on one of two empty barstools and pushed his shaggy brown hair out of his face as the bartender sauntered to a stop in front of him. Davey eyed the kid and I could tell he was on the same page as me when it came to the kid’s age. But that didn’t stop him from sliding a shot glass in front of him and filling it with what looked like the cheapest vodka Davey kept on the shelf. Only one of the barstools around the kid was empty, but I knew it wouldn’t last long. And sure enough, within a matter of seconds, a tall, scrawny-looking guy with jeans that might as well have been painted on settled on the stool, only to skulk off when one of the bears from the front door ambled over and motioned to him with a jerk of his thick neck. Once the guy was gone, the bear leaned against the bar so his beefy body was practically brushing up against the kid’s.

For his part, the kid seemed unconcerned as he glanced at his new neighbor just before he downed the shot. He tapped the bar and Davey was right there to refill the glass. He started putting the bottle away when the bear grabbed it and took a swig as he watched the young man swallow his second shot. I watched as the bear filled the shot glass yet again, but I didn’t see if the kid drank it because I felt a hand stroking up my arm. I glanced to my right and saw a skinny little blond number sizing me up. I was standing near the doorway leading to the back of the club, a clear signal of what I was looking for. I’d already been there for a few minutes and been approached by no fewer than three guys, but none had been my type and I’d dismissed them without a second thought. I didn’t come to the city that often to scratch my itch, so I was damn well going to make it worth my time and shop around for exactly what I wanted.

Like the cute little blond twink who had, by now, sidled up to me. I ignored the need to shift my gaze back to the bar to check on the kid and focused on the small hand that was sliding over my abdomen.

“Never seen you here before,” the guy said, his voice a well-practiced purr.

I didn’t respond because there was no point. I hadn’t come here for conversation and I certainly wasn’t going to entertain the guy with useless foreplay.

I was about to tell him to follow me when I felt a shiver snake down my spine. I lifted my eyes and saw the kid’s gaze on me. The bear was still with him, but he seemed irritated that he hadn’t managed to hold the kid’s attention.

Fuck, he was gorgeous. Even from across the room, I could make out his lithe body and striking features. I couldn’t see the color of his eyes, but they sat beneath full, perfectly shaped eyebrows that peeked out from the guy’s hair. A slight five o’clock shadow covered a square jawline, but it was his lips that were holding my attention…and making my cock finally wake up. They were full and wide with the bottom one just a little plumper than the top.

I heard the twink next to me hum appreciatively and I had no doubt it was because he could see my cock thickening in my jeans. Too bad it had nothing to do with him and everything to do with the young man who was watching me hungrily from the bar.

Too fucking young, I reminded myself even as I fought the urge to shove the hand away that was now pressing against my crotch, grazing my hardness. I needed to just grab the little shit and take him in back and fuck him until it was his face I finally saw, not the jailbait still watching me from the bar. I saw the bear lean down to say something to him, but if the kid heard him, he didn’t acknowledge it. Instead, he rose to his feet and started towards me, his gaze holding mine.

The rest of the occupants of the club disappeared as he reached me and I finally got to see that his eyes were a stunning combination of green and gold. He was shorter than me by a few inches and I knew that his age wasn’t the only thing about him that didn’t fit in the place. He was a city boy through and through, but not a city like Missoula. Because in Missoula, the city kids still looked like the country bumpkins they were. This kid belonged in a big place like New York with his skinny jeans, designer shirt, fancy sneakers that probably cost more than my piece of shit truck and a leather jacket that hung carelessly from his narrow shoulders.

The kid didn’t speak when he reached me and I waited to see what he’d do. My twink was still feeling me up, but the kid didn’t seem bothered by that fact. His eyes traveled the length of my body and I knew he liked what he saw. I suspected I fit the bill in terms of what he’d been hoping to find in an off-the-wall gay club in Montana. I hadn’t bothered changing from my work clothes before heading to Missoula, so I more than likely had horse shit on my boots and my hair was probably still showing the circular ring from where my cowboy hat had been pressing it down all day, despite my efforts to get rid of it by running my fingers through my dark locks. The only reason I hadn’t kept the hat on was because I liked being able to see the guy I was fucking and hadn’t wanted to worry about it shifting on my head and obscuring my view.

Several long moments passed before the kid reached for my hand…the one that wasn’t holding my beer. He began to pull me towards the entrance leading to the back of the club, but I tugged him to a stop, not giving too much thought to how he knew where to go for all the real action.

“How old are you?” I asked, my voice sounding heavy with lust. God, he was beautiful. I could already feel my dick sinking into his tight heat.

No…no fucking way. I didn’t fuck kids. At thirty-three, I knew better. Even knowing we were all in this shithole on a Thursday night for one reason, I still made sure there wasn’t more than a ten-year age gap between me and whatever toy I chose to play with for the night. The twink, who was now hanging onto my other arm, was a safer bet.

Only problem was, I’d already forgotten what he looked like and I certainly didn’t care what sounds he’d make as I fucked into him.