“You know who this is, Dad?” Hunter asked as he motioned with his head in Roman’s direction.

“He’s the developer looking at my land-”

“Your land? Don’t you mean my land?” Hunter asked.

“That land is mine you worthless little shit-”

Hunter fired the gun and heard his father yelp as the wood behind his head exploded. For the first time, his father actually looked scared and Hunter couldn’t help but enjoy how good it finally felt to have the tables turned.

“Hunter,” Roman said softly. “Please don’t do this.”

“Why not? It’s no less than he deserves for everything he’s done. To me. To Finn and Rhys and Callan.”

His father paled and Hunter knew his guess had been right. “Deputy Reid, might I suggest that you take a look at my father’s financial records and see if maybe he didn’t make a contribution to the accounts of those guys that burned down Callan’s barn and killed his herd?” His steely gaze locked with his father’s. “And shot Finn.”

“I think that’s an excellent suggestion,” Jax said casually.

“Hunter,” Roman said again and Hunter finally took his eyes off his father long enough to connect with Roman’s.

“You see, Dad, he’s not just some developer,” Hunter said as he held Roman’s gaze. He hated the fear he saw there…for him. “He’s the man who loves me above all others. Who would give his life for mine without question and without fail every time. And he wants me to put this gun down not to save your sorry ass but because he doesn’t want me to have to live with the guilt of killing my own father.”

Hunter slid his eyes back to the man on his knees…the man who no longer owned the title of father. “Look around you. Not one of these men would lift a finger to save you. In fact, I bet every single one of them would help me bury your body without me even needing to ask. Because out here, you’re the one who doesn’t matter. You’re the one who doesn’t fit.”

Hunter lowered his gun and stepped back. It didn’t feel like enough, just walking away. But he found that in that moment he wanted something else more than he wanted revenge. And with that thought in mind, he turned his back on his father and began walking towards Roman. Roman’s features relaxed as he began moving forward but suddenly they pulled tight just as his mouth opened to yell Hunter’s name. He saw both Rhys and Jax going for their guns but they hadn’t gotten them past the holsters when a gunshot rang out. Hunter froze as his eyes locked with Roman’s and he heard him scream the word “No.”

But in the second it took Roman to reach him, Hunter said, “I’m okay.”

Roman’s hands grabbed him by the shoulders to yank him around so he could check his back and Hunter quickly noticed two things. The first was his father still on his knees with a silver revolver lying in the dirt next to the hand that used to be attached to his father’s arm. The second was the sight of Callan Bale about a hundred and fifty feet away riding his horse slowly towards them, a rifle in his right hand.

His father’s screams of agony pierced the air as Roman dragged Hunter into his arms. It vaguely registered that someone would probably need to apply a tourniquet to his father’s arm at some point to keep him from bleeding out, but Hunter didn’t really give a shit if that actually happened so he just took Roman’s hand in his and then went to check on Finn to make sure his friend was okay.


Six months later

“You okay?” Roman breathed against Hunter’s lips.

Hunter nodded but seemed incapable of speech as Roman surged into him again. The pleasure that Hunter was feeling was written all over his face but there was more there too. And Roman knew exactly what had put that look on Hunter’s face. He could feel it actually. The small, white gold band was pressed against his own skin as Hunter’s fingers clutched his.

Roman pulled back until his cock nearly slipped from Hunter’s body. He held himself there for a moment, reveling in the feeling of Hunter’s depths trying to hold on to his naked cock. He pushed forward again and watched Hunter’s eyes close as his head dipped back on the sleeping bag and Roman used the opportunity to kiss his neck. As soon as Hunter lowered his head again, Roman kissed him and then drew his cock back again. His next glide hit Hunter’s prostate and Hunter groaned at the contact as his legs tried to wrap around Roman’s ass to keep him from pulling out again. But he did it anyway and swallowed Hunter’s answering moan. Over and over he let Hunter’s body draw more and more of his release to the surface as he made love to Hunter’s mouth with his tongue.

The evening air was cool as it washed over their naked bodies but Roman barely felt the chill because his need for Hunter kept building and building. As with every time they made love, Roman’s intent was to draw their coming together out for as long as he could but as soon as he buried himself inside of Hunter’s heat, he knew it was a promise he wouldn’t be able to keep. And when Hunter lay beneath him, his eyes acting as windows to his soul, exposing every thought and emotion he was feeling, Roman knew he didn’t stand a chance.

Roman increased his thrusts until Hunter was panting against his mouth and then he released one of Hunter’s hands so he could use his arm to hold their bodies together as he rolled them so Roman was on his back. Hunter didn’t even hesitate for a second as he sat up and began riding Roman. He linked their hands together again and Hunter used the connection as leverage as his hips twisted over Roman’s. The engagement band on Hunter’s left hand stood out in stark contrast to his pale skin and Roman couldn’t help but run his fingers over it.

There hadn’t been a doubt in his mind that Hunter wouldn’t say yes to his proposal but he’d still been overjoyed when Hunter had fallen to his knees and whispered yes as he’d wrapped his arms around Roman’s neck. The eight months since they’d met hadn’t always been easy as they’d both had to adjust to being apart when Roman was forced to travel for work. Hunter’s therapy had done wonders but he still had to deal with the occasional trigger that left him frustrated that he hadn’t been completely cured of his need to hurt himself. Roman had also talked to someone about the way he’d responded to his father at his death and the memories of his mother that the event had triggered. Throughout it all, Hunter and Roman had drawn on each other when they struggled with trying to heal the wounds their pasts had left behind.

Dealing with the trusteeship had been easy once Hunter’s father had been convicted of multiple felonies including conspiracy. Hunter’s guess that Malcom Greene had been involved with the men who’d vandalized Callan’s property and nearly killed Finn after burning down Callan’s barn had been spot on, and Malcom had been sentenced to more than twenty years in prison. His trial for attempted murder was scheduled to start later in the summer. Hunter’s mom had given up her role as trustee and left Dare to go live with a distant cousin somewhere in the south. Roman had urged Hunter to consider saying goodbye but in the end he’d decided against it. Once the land was back in his grandmother’s care until he turned 21, they’d started talking about the house they wanted to build. They’d settled on a cabin that would look much like the one Pops had planned to build but it would include all the creature comforts that would make the place uniquely theirs.

“So beautiful,” Roman murmured as Hunter’s body rocked back and forth over his. Hunter leaned down to kiss him, releasing his hands so that he could cup Roman’s face.

“Love you,” Hunter whispered against his lips.

Roman surged upwards and wrapped his arms around Hunter’s waist to support him as they continued to kiss while Hunter began riding him in earnest. “Love you, soon-to-be husband.”

A gasp escaped Hunter’s lips at that but before he could do anything, Roman grabbed him and rolled them again and slammed into Hunter over and over. Fingers twisted in his hair and clamped down on his shoulder as Hunter began grunting with every powerful thrust. Roman’s own control was shot to hell so he just kept barreling into Hunter until he shattered into a million pieces as his orgasm ripped through him. As his come began to coat Hunter’s inner walls, his gliding motions became easier, freer and he used the added lubrication to shuttle in and out of Hunter at a relentless pace. Hunter’s hips lifted to meet his and as soon as he began bucking wildly beneath Roman, Roman reached between their bodies and gave Hunter’s cock several hard tugs. Hunter cried out in relief as he came and even before he was finished shooting, Roman pulled free of his body and leaned down to suck Hunter’s cock deep in his throat. He swallowed the last of Hunter’s essence and then lifted up to kiss Hunter as he slid his cock back into Hunter’s silky depths.

The fire kept them warm for only so long so Roman reached out to search for the edge of the sleeping bag to tuck over them. He could already see the sun starting to peek over the horizon which didn’t surprise him since they’d been making love to each other all night long. And since their only plans for the day were to join everyone at the CB Bar for dinner, they had the whole day to sleep, fuck and sleep some more. And somewhere in between, they’d manage a trip to the hot springs which inevitably would lead to more fucking.