“Yes ma’am, I do.”
“A savings account?”
“Uh, yeah,” Roman replied.
“You aren’t hiding some wife and kids somewhere, are you?”
“No ma’am.”
Her sharp eyes flashed back to Hunter before settling on him once more. “You love my grandson?”
“More than anything else in this world.”
She studied him for another long moment before nodding her head. “Okay, you’ll do.” Then she was wrapping her spindly arms around him before turning her attention back to Hunter and leading him into the living room. Roman wasn’t sure where Dane and Jax had disappeared to but he was glad for the privacy. Roman wasn’t sure if Hunter wanted him present but he didn’t have to ask the question because Hunter held out his hand expectantly. Roman took it and followed Hunter into the cozy living room and settled down next to him on the couch. His grandmother kept patting Hunter’s face as if to confirm he was really there.
“My baby, what happened? Where have you been?”
“I’ve been at school Gran.”
“You never came to visit. You didn’t call me back.”
Roman had his hand on Hunter’s thigh so he felt him stiffen at his grandmother’s heartbroken tone. “I know Gran, I’m sorry. I was too ashamed to face you.”
“Oh my dear, I shouldn’t have been so hard on you. I never took time to listen to your side of things,” his grandmother said softly.
“I’ve been pretty messed up about everything, Gran. I didn’t want you to see me like that. But I talked to Finn, told him how sorry I was and he forgave me.”
“He is a sweet boy. I knew you two would work it out.”
“I’m going to set things right with the people in town too. Tell them what really happened.”
“Well, if any one of them gives you a hard time, you tell them to come see me, you hear?”
Hunter laughed. “Okay, I will.” He hesitated and then sought out Roman’s hand for support. “Gran, I need to tell you something else.”
“Okay, honey, you can tell me anything.”
“That night that I lied about Finn…I did it ‘cause I didn’t want Dad to hurt me again.”
It seemed to take his grandmother a minute to understand what Hunter was saying. “Hurt you?” she whispered.
“He’d been doing it for a really long time, Gran. I knew if he found out I was the one who kissed Finn, he’d hurt me really bad. He ended up doing it anyway. That’s why I didn’t want to come see you that morning when you called me, do you remember?”
Hunter’s grandmother seemed to be in shock because she nodded and said, “I wanted you to come have breakfast with me so I could ask you what had happened at your party.”
“I had no way of hiding the bruises so that’s why I said no.”
“No,” his grandmother finally said. “No,” she repeated though it sounded like less of a denial and more anguished. Tears began spilling out of her eyes as she leaned in to hug Hunter. “My baby, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.”
“It’s okay, Gran. No one did.”
“Your mother,” his grandmother said.
Hunter just shook his head and his grandmother covered her mouth as another round of tears hit her.
“Gran, I’m safe now. They can’t hurt me ever again. And I’m so happy, Gran. Roman…Roman, he saved me and he loves me. I have what you and Pops had.”
“Oh baby, I’m so glad,” she said as she pulled a tissue out from under her sleeve and dabbed at her face. She struggled to compose herself and said, “How did you two boys meet?”