Roman studied him for a moment and then said, “Yes it is.”

Tears stung the back of Hunter’s eyes at Roman’s words and he closed them just to try to hold the tears at bay. He felt Roman start exploring his body again but this time it wasn’t about driving his need higher…no, it was like Roman was worshipping him. But it didn’t take long before Roman’s kisses became more drugging and his touch more teasing and by the time Roman’s mouth closed over his cock, Hunter was begging for relief. The long, hard drags on his dick were slowly driving him insane but when he felt one of Roman’s fingers brush over his hole, he couldn’t help but tense up. The finger disappeared just as quickly but the sound of the cap on the lube clicking open was like a gunshot going off in the room and Hunter couldn’t help but let out a startled whimper.

“Hunter, look at me,” Roman said firmly.

Hunter looked down and it wasn’t until he saw Roman hovering over his dick that he realized he’d needed to hear Roman’s voice to bring him back to the present.

“I’m okay,” Hunter said with a nod. “Promise,” he added. He waited for Roman to drink his cock back down but to his surprise, Roman climbed back up his body and began kissing him. For a moment, Hunter was worried he’d somehow ruined the whole thing but then he felt Roman’s lube covered finger brush his opening again and he stifled a moan as Roman’s tongue sought out his at the same time that his finger pressed forward.

* * *

Roman swallowed Hunter’s gasp of surprise and kept up the pressure on Hunter’s hole until his body accepted the invasion. The second the outer muscle gave way and his finger disappeared inside of Hunter to the first knuckle, Hunter sucked in a breath and his fingers dug into Roman’s upper arms. Roman didn’t move even a fraction of an inch as Hunter tried to adjust. When his eyes finally opened and he gave him a wobbly smile, Roman leaned down to kiss him. It wasn’t until Hunter began voraciously kissing him back that Roman let his finger slide in the rest of the way and while Hunter still tensed, he didn’t let up on consuming Roman’s mouth. The pressure on Roman’s finger was tight and his dick instantly hardened even more in excitement.

He slowly began sliding his finger in and out of Hunter, carefully gauging his reaction for anything beyond discomfort. But when Hunter actually began meeting his thrusts with a subtle shift of his hips, Roman began twisting his finger deep inside Hunter until he found the spot he was looking for. Hunter’s eyes flew open at the first brush over his prostate and on the second pass, his shocked gaze searched out Roman’s. By the third stroke, Hunter was gyrating his entire body trying to get more of what he was feeling.

“Roman,” he panted. “Please don’t stop.”

Roman had known from the way Hunter had fucked him senseless on more than one occasion that he would be the type to give every part of himself over to the experience and not hold anything back but seeing it actually happen without being lost in his own haze of lust was an incredible, heady experience. Pulling back enough to give Hunter a little bit of space, Roman kept one arm tucked beneath Hunter’s shoulders while the other continued to torture his sweet spot. Then he said, “Touch yourself, Hunter. Show me how good it feels.”

It was all Hunter seemed to have been waiting for because he quickly began yanking on his dick as he slammed his ass down on Roman’s finger. Roman used his distraction to add a second finger which Hunter didn’t protest in the slightest. The added pressure had Hunter gasping for air as Roman continued to finger the bundle of nerves and as Hunter’s hand feverishly worked to bring himself relief, his whole body began to sweat and shake. Moments later, he wailed as Roman pressed both his fingers against that one spot and Roman let out his own moan as ropes of Hunter’s come hit his own body. The orgasm went on and on as Hunter tried to milk every last drop from his cock as Roman continued to draw circles around his sensitive gland. When Hunter finally released his dick, Roman withdrew his arm from Hunter’s shoulders and leaned down to clean up the sticky white fluid that had pooled against his abdomen. He carefully withdrew his fingers from Hunter’s sated body and then wrapped an arm beneath Hunter to move him farther up the mattress.

Hunter had gone completely lax and his dreamy eyes couldn’t stay focused on Roman. Roman used the opportunity to run his hands all over Hunter’s soft skin. As lean as Hunter was, his body was actually quite strong and Roman couldn’t help but trace every well-defined muscle with first his fingers and then his mouth. By the time he’d made it back down to Hunter’s ass, Hunter had started to respond somewhat but mostly just to make it easier for Roman to access his body. So when Roman lifted Hunter’s legs up and draped them over his shoulders as he lay near the bottom of the bed, Hunter didn’t protest. Nor did he make a sound when Roman’s big hands separated the globes of his ass so he could see the little pink hole that was fluttering in nervous anticipation. Since it was clearly begging for his attention, Roman didn’t waste any time and as soon as his tongue swiped over the wrinkly flesh, Hunter let out a startled yell.

* * *

“Roman!” Hunter shouted for the second time as wet heat engulfed his body. But even though his brain was telling him what Roman was doing to him had to be wrong, his body had something else in mind entirely because his ass was lifting of its own accord and his thighs were gripping Roman for all they were worth. Every lick and suckle went through him like a knife, except instead of pain, it was pure, blissful pleasure. He managed to reach up to grab a hold of a pillow and shove it over his face just in time to stifle another scream as Roman’s tongue pressed inside of him. He hadn’t believed it could get any better than when Roman’s finger had pressed that spot deep inside of him but holy shit was he wrong. His dick was already hard as a rock again and the euphoria from his earlier orgasm had given way to a bone-wrenching need for more. Even though he didn’t think more was even possible considering what his first release had done to him.

Roman kept tongue fucking him and then took it up another level by pulling out his tongue just long enough to shove a finger into him and press on his prostate. “Roman, I can’t,” he cried out as fire burned through his veins.

He wasn’t sure if Roman was taking pity on him or if Roman was too turned on himself to continue because Roman suddenly released him and grabbed a condom. The sight should have had all of Hunter’s fear coming back but all he could think about was how it could possibly get any better. He watched as Roman spread some lube on his dick and then gently pressed some into Hunter’s body.

“Put your legs over my arms,” Roman said as he put his hands on either side of Hunter’s body. Hunter did as he was told and then licked his lips as Roman used his arms to spread his legs open. He felt Roman’s cock against his hole and the tension that he thought was gone came back in full force.

“Breathe out and push down on me,” Roman instructed. Hunter followed the gentle order and as soon as the breath left his body, he felt himself being opened and stretched. Pain coursed through him as Roman continued to push forward and Hunter was about to tell him to stop when his body suddenly seemed to buckle under the pressure and Roman sank farther inside of him. He tried to suck in air as the discomfort and odd sensation burned through his ass.

“Hunter, look at me,” Roman whispered. Just seeing the love in Roman’s eyes had Hunter’s body relaxing and then it was like he was drawing Roman in rather than trying to keep him out.

“Oh shit,” Hunter breathed when Roman was fully seated inside of him. It felt so strange and so good at the same time.

“Hunter,” Roman said again but this time his voice sounded uneven and strained. One look at Roman’s face told him why. Sweat dripped from his brow and his whole body seemed to tremble as he tried to keep himself still. With his legs being controlled by Roman, Hunter couldn’t easily reach Roman like he wanted to but as soon as he wrapped his hand around Roman’s neck, Roman got the message and leaned down to kiss him. As Roman’s body pressed down on his, Roman’s arms forced Hunter’s legs farther open and back and Hunter couldn’t stop the cry of pleasure that tore from his lips as the new angle allowed Roman in even deeper.

“I need to move, baby,” Roman whispered harshly.

Hunter could only nod but that was all it took for Roman to pull back before pushing forward again. The burning sensation built every time Roman slid into him but it quickly changed to something else as wisps of pleasure started firing under his skin. Roman’s lips were hovering just above his and he reveled in the feel of Roman’s heavy pants brushing against him as Roman’s need grew and grew. His thrusts became heavier and deeper with each pass and at some point Roman released his legs so he could wrap his arms around Hunter and hold him as he pounded into him. Hunter took advantage of the change in position and locked his legs around Roman’s lower back, his heels digging into Roman’s ass with each lunge. He snagged his arms around Roman’s shoulders and held on as tight as he could as Roman’s heavy balls slapped against his ass. He sought out Roman’s mouth and was rewarded with deep, hungry kisses that turned him on almost as much as the friction that Roman’s cock was causing deep inside of him.

“I love you so much,” Roman whispered against his mouth.

“I love you,” Hunter returned as he released his hold on Roman’s shoulders so he could cup his face in his hands. “So much, Roman.”

Roman dipped down to sip at his lips a few more times as his lower body relentlessly pounded into Hunter’s but then his mouth hung just over Hunter’s as he ground out Hunter’s name. The feel of Roman’s cock pulsing inside of him set off Hunter’s own release and he closed his eyes as the orgasm ripped through him. He clamped down on Roman with every part of his body that he could and held on as wave after wave of pleasure rolled through him. Roman’s orgasm was just as strong if not more so because his body kept humping into Hunter uncontrollably as Roman’s fingers bit into his skin hard enough to leave bruises. When the haze of pleasure finally settled like a blanket over them, Roman’s body pressed Hunter’s farther into the mattress. Hunter wasn’t sure whose lips found whose first but he didn’t care because all he felt were Roman’s unspoken words with every tender caress.


Roman was sure he’d never seen anything more beautiful than Hunter on his knees, his beautiful pink lips loving Roman’s aching cock as water sluiced down his shoulders and along the curve of his back. And he definitely knew that he’d never felt as cherished as he did when Hunter touched him. Of course, all Hunter had to do was look at him in the way that he always did for Roman to know he’d finally come home. He wasn’t invisible anymore.

As the pressure on his dick intensified, Roman leaned his head back against the tile wall and closed his eyes. Sensation after sensation bombarded him as Hunter’s lush mouth sucked him all the way down. But when Hunter’s fingers dipped between his ass cheeks to play with his hole, Roman gave up the pretense of being able to hold out and he reached down to pull Hunter to his feet. Their mouths fed off each other as Roman searched out the condom and lube that Hunter had openly grabbed from the nightstand before taking Roman’s hand and leading him to the shower. He knew Hunter was likely still sore from their passionate encounter the night before so he was all prepared to be on the receiving end this time around, but Hunter took that choice away from him when he reached for the condom and began rolling it down Roman’s cock. His movements were slow and drawn out and only served to make Roman more insane with need. As soon as the condom was in place, Roman turned them around so it was Hunter’s back pressed to the wall.

Roman reached for the lube but Hunter took the bottle from him, his mossy eyes never leaving Roman’s as he put a dollop on his fingers and then reached behind himself. Although Roman couldn’t actually see Hunter’s fingers at work, he could see the way Hunter’s eyes darkened just a little bit and his lips opened on a soft exhale.