
“Because I’ve been going fucking insane thinking something happened to you,” Roman snapped. He knew his anger was too much and just further proof of how deep he was into whatever this thing with Hunter was, so he tried to push Hunter off of him so he could get out of the water.

“No, Roman, please don’t,” Hunter said as he grabbed onto Roman’s upper arms to keep from being dislodged.

“I just need some space right now,” Roman muttered.

“Please, Roman, just wait,” Hunter begged as he tried to reach past Roman to where his jeans were lying near the edge of the pool. He had to release Roman to actually get them and he kept glancing back at Roman as if afraid he’d move away and that was the only thing that kept Roman from following through with his need to escape.

Hunter fumbled with something in his pants pocket. He finally managed to pull his phone free and he carefully held it above the water as he began tapping the screen. “Here,” he said as he handed the phone to Roman. Since his hands were wet, Roman reached behind him to snag his shirt so he could dry his hands and then he took the phone. He stilled when he saw his name in the header of the text message and the two words underneath.

Miss you.

He used his finger to go back a screen and saw more than a dozen messages listed, all in draft format, all with his name on them.

I heard your voice today, Roman. I was so close to hurting myself again and then you were there. I could feel you next to me, whispering to me that everything was okay…that I was okay.

Tears stung Roman’s eyes. “Why didn’t you send these?”

“Two days, Roman. We were together for two days and all you saw of me was me at my worst. These” – he pointed to the phone – “are just more of the same,” he murmured. “I wanted to wait until I could show you there was another side of me…a side you might want to get to know better someday.”

Roman couldn’t move or speak. Hell, he could barely fucking breathe. He could feel Hunter getting tense and when he subtly shifted his weight, Roman said, “Don’t you dare fucking move.”

Hunter froze and Roman turned his attention back to the phone and began hitting the send button on each and every message. He stopped counting after twenty and he guessed it took him a full three minutes to get them all sent and then he put the phone down on top of Hunter’s jeans. He pinned Hunter with his gaze and said, “You need to make a decision right now because I fucking refuse to go through the hell of not knowing if you’re okay or not ever again. I want every part of you, good or bad. And just so you know, the only bad part of you I’ve seen is whatever part it was that convinced you that you’re somehow not good enough for me. I want a shot at figuring out whatever this thing between us is but if you don’t want that then tell me now because I-”

Hunter cut off his tirade with a hard kiss that effectively shut down all his remaining frustration. “Yes,” was all Hunter said as he reached over Roman’s shoulders to brace his hands against the edge of the pool. Roman had no trouble feeling the apology in Hunter’s next kiss. When Hunter finally drew back, Roman felt the constriction in his lungs ease.

“Thank you for looking for me all these weeks,” Hunter whispered as he kissed the corner of Roman’s mouth. “And for finally finding me.” Another kiss on the other side of his mouth. “And for letting me in so I could see you.” A quick brush over his entire mouth. “And for seeing the real me.”

Roman groaned and swept his tongue over the seam of Hunter’s lips on his next pass. Hunter instantly opened to him and as they kissed, Hunter began rocking his hips back and forth so that their cocks rubbed deliciously against each other over and over. Roman allowed the contact for several seconds before dragging Hunter’s hips forward so that there was no space between Hunter’s cock and his abdomen. He urged Hunter to resume his grinding by using his hand to press Hunter’s lower body against him and then he guided his own cock to Hunter’s crease. Hunter tensed up for a brief moment when he felt Roman’s flesh brush his hole but then he frantically resumed his pace. The water began to slosh all around them as Hunter’s lower body worked them both into a frenzy. Hunter’s shout of pleasure was enough for Roman’s own body to give it up and as he came, his only regret was that he couldn’t see the proof of his orgasm coating Hunter’s perfect skin.

Once they’d both caught their breath, Roman forced himself to ask, “What happened at the CB Bar?”

Hunter didn’t seem surprised by the question and Roman was strangely glad when Hunter remained plastered to his chest, his thumb playing with some spot on Roman’s collarbone. “He apologized to me,” Hunter whispered.

“Who did?”

“Mr. Bale…Callan. He apologized for Rhys hitting me,” Hunter murmured. “When he said those words, I wanted to die.”


“You know why,” was all Hunter said.

He did know why and he knew it was something that Hunter would likely struggle with for the rest of his life.

“What happened after that?”

“I told him I was going to tell the truth. He wanted…he wanted me to make sure I was safe first.”

Roman tensed at that. He forced Hunter to straighten and said, “Why would he say that?”

“Good and bad, right, Roman?” Hunter asked softly.

Roman forced himself to take in a deep breath. “Good and bad,” he agreed.

“The night I accused Finn of assault, I told you that I tried to tell my dad it was just a misunderstanding.”

“Yeah, you said he freaked out and kept asking if you were a queer.”