“Are you hoping to get into politics?” Roman asked.

At Hunter’s silence, Roman rolled over so they were facing. “You’re not the one who wants the degree, are you?”

“Public service is a noble profession,” Hunter murmured.

“Is that your argument or his?” Roman asked gently.

“Veto,” Hunter whispered, his eyes down cast.

Roman reached out to stroke his fingers over Hunter’s cheek. “Fair enough,” he whispered. He gently tipped Hunter’s chin up so that he was forced to look at Roman. “Can I stay here tonight?” His hand was resting on Hunter’s neck and he felt him swallow hard.

“What? TheDusty Spurnot to your liking?” Hunter asked.

Roman ignored the nervous attempt at humor and let his thumb stroke over Hunter’s frantic pulse. “I like these accommodations much better,” he murmured.

He heard Hunter inhale sharply before he finally nodded. Since staying face to face was a supremely bad idea, Roman flipped onto his back and tucked his arm beneath his head. He felt Hunter shift next to him, his warm body barely touching Roman’s. Strangely enough, the lack of contact bothered Roman even more so he extended his free arm and worked it beneath Hunter until he finally got the silent message and used Roman’s arm as a pillow. And then it got better because Hunter shifted just enough to get more comfortable and ended up pressed against his side.

Neither spoke as they stared at the inky sky above them. Roman had been to the most glorious spots the world had to offer and he could honestly say nothing compared to the sight of the canopy of stars above him. And there sure as hell had never been anyone who even came close to making him feel what Hunter did…not that he knew what that was exactly; he just knew it felt fucking perfect.

* * *

Hunter came awake slowly and knew right away he was alone because there was no warm arm keeping his head off the ground anymore. And while he wasn’t exactly cold beneath the blanket, he missed the warm, hard body that had been pressed against him all night. Sunlight was just starting to seep over the lake and he could see a flock of Ring-necked ducks diving for their breakfast. Disappointment went through Hunter in knowing that Roman had left without even letting him know but he supposed it would have been too much to expect otherwise. He’d read too much into last night. And even if by some miracle he hadn’t, would it really matter what Roman’s motivations for staying were? It didn’t change the fundamental truth that Hunter was beyond fucked up. His actions at the club were proof of that and that wasn’t even the tip of the iceberg. Not to mention what Roman would think of him when he found out the devastation Hunter had heaped on an innocent person because of his own cowardice.


Roman’s voice was loud enough to carry but he wasn’t shouting. But Hunter didn’t miss the tremor of concern in his voice so he snatched up the gun and ran in the direction he’d heard Roman calling from.

“I’m coming.”

Fear rattled through Hunter at the thought of Roman having come face to face with a bear and he quickly double-checked the rifle to make sure a round was chambered. He already had the gun raised to his shoulder as he spotted Roman standing near a cluster of bushes just a few dozen yards beyond the campsite.

“What? What is it?” Hunter asked quickly as he scanned the area.

“Please tell me that’s Lucy,” Roman said softly, his eyes at a spot near his feet.

Hunter’s relief was so prominent that his knees actually felt wobbly but he managed to close the distance between him and Roman who was standing perfectly still. A skunk was just feet from him, its dark eyes staring at him as its nose sniffed the air.

“It is,” Hunter said with a chuckle.

“How can you be so sure?”

“See that scar on her face? Gran thinks the coyote that killed her family almost got her too.”

“Thank fuck,” Roman muttered but when he started to move, Hunter snagged his arm.

“Just a second, let me distract her. It’d be a shame if we had to shave all your pretty hair off,” Hunter said with a smile.

“Asshole,” Roman bit out.

Hunter reached into his pocket and pulled out what was left of the granola bar he’d been snacking on last night before Roman’s arrival. Lucy instantly went on alert at the sound of the cellophane and she didn’t hesitate to waddle her way over to him. He broke the granola bar up into a couple of pieces and scattered them around the ground and then slowly stood and reached for Roman’s hand.

Once they were well out of spraying range, Hunter began to laugh. A glance at Roman’s irritated features just had him laughing harder and a second later he found himself being pressed up against a tree, Roman’s big body pinning him in place. All his humor quickly fled and he stifled a moan when Roman restrained his hands by holding them against the tree next to his head. Being at Roman’s mercy should have scared him but it didn’t. Not even a little bit.

Roman didn’t speak or move as he held him in place. His cobalt eyes just held Hunter’s as if he was looking for something. Finally, he whispered, “Morning.”

Hunter’s mouth felt dry as he said “morning” back. His eyes dropped to Roman’s mouth and he wondered what Roman would do if he closed what little distance there was between them and ran his tongue over the seam. Would Roman open to him instantly or would he make him work for it?

It took a second for Hunter to realize Roman was speaking to him because it felt like his heart was pounding so hard that it was all he could hear in his head. “What?” he asked dumbly.