“But we hope you’ll still come to visit. And bring your men so we can get to know them better.”

Beck smiled. “I’d like that.” He glanced at me and Brody and said, “We’d like that.”


God, that sounded good. I brushed a kiss against Beck’s temple and whispered, “Yes, we would.”



“Fuck,” Quinn hissed as his body opened up for me. He was lying over Beck’s back, his tanned skin dark against our young lover’s lighter complexion. His lips were pressed against Beck’s shoulder and one arm was wrapped around his torso. The other arm was bracing some of his weight as he fucked into Beck from behind. He’d stopped his movements as soon as I’d put my hands on his hips to steady him so I could enter him.

It was the first time I’d been inside Quinn. He’d admitted earlier tonight that he’d never bottomed for anyone before, not even his husband, but that he was ready to be mine and Beck’s in every way. Beck and I had taken our time getting him and each other ready. Just like every night for the past three weeks, our lovemaking was slow and languid. There was no rush to the finish line. Every move, every touch was about exploring each other and showing what we felt for one another when words didn’t seem like enough.

It had been nearly three weeks since Beck had run away from us after his fight with Dale.

Three weeks of finally knowing I was going to have everything I’d ever wanted.

Because I was certain Beck wasn’t leaving in two weeks. Not because he’d said so, but because I couldn’t fathom any one of us walking away from what we had together.

That wasn’t to say things had been easy, because they hadn’t been. And that was exactly why I knew what we had was the real deal. Because despite all the challenges we’d faced since Beck had come back to us, we were still us.

One of the biggest obstacles to overcome was our schedules…well, mine actually. My varied shifts at the firehouse meant I sometimes didn’t make it to Quinn’s little house at the CB Bar until late at night or that I didn’t leave until well after Quinn and Beck were working. So I was often climbing into bed with my men after they were already asleep. But they never failed to welcome me home and we nearly always made love, no matter what time it was or how many hours Beck and Quinn had left before they had to get up to work. It would have been easier for me to just stay at my own apartment on the nights I had to work, but I hadn’t even once considered it.

Because home was with Beck and Quinn. Even if all we had time for was a few quick words and some rushed kisses or a quickie here and there, it didn’t matter. I would always choose them over convenience.

After we’d left Dane and Jax’s house that day when we’d told each other how we’d felt for the first time, we’d gone back to the resort and spent most of the remainder of the day talking about the future. We’d agreed that it made sense to stay at Quinn’s place since both he and Beck needed to get up early each day to work, though they’d both offered to make the drive to my apartment several times a week to make it easier on me. We hadn’t talked about Beck going back to Seattle because there were just too many questions surrounding his future.

Another obstacle had been Beck’s fathers. He’d video chatted with them that night to tell them everything that had happened and while Quinn and I had stayed off screen, but still in the room so we could provide moral support, we’d seen every play of emotions across our lover’s face as he’d admitted to his parents that he wasn’t okay and that he needed help. His fathers had immediately talked about getting on a plane and flying to Montana, but Beck had stood up for himself and told them he wasn’t ready to see them. There hadn’t been any unkindness in his words, but I could tell by his fathers’ silence that they were struggling with not being able to be at their son’s side.

But I also knew it was something Beck needed. I’d seen enough from the constant check-ins he did with his fathers to know that the relationship he had with them, though strong and loving, had some unhealthy undertones. Namely, his fathers’ constant need to know he was okay and Beck’s need to try and regain their trust. I didn’t blame any of them for the tight leash around Beck’s neck, but I knew it wasn’t sustainable. Yes, Beck was young, but he wasn’t a child. He needed his independence and his fathers needed to be able to trust him again. At some point, Beck needed to not feel obligated to text them on a pre-set schedule or respond to a text or call within an allotted period of time so as to not cause them to worry, and his fathers needed the freedom that came with knowing their son was okay without needing to hear his voice or see his face.

Beck had come clean about his relationship with me and Quinn too and while I doubted his fathers had a problem with him being with two men instead of just one since Beck’s own uncle was in a relationship with two other men, they’d clearly not liked the idea of him staying with us instead of Jax and Dane. I hadn’t taken it personally because I suspected it was part of their need to know their son was okay 24/7. Beck hadn’t introduced us over the video chat, choosing instead to have us meet his fathers when they came out in a couple of weeks for a visit.

As worrisome as meeting his parents was to me and Quinn, nothing measured up to the anticipation of what Beck would need to share with us when he was ready. He’d been in intensive therapy for three weeks now. Instead of just one session with his therapist each week, he was going three times and the aftermath was always brutal. The sheer exhaustion he seemed to be feeling would roll off of him in waves and there were times he’d come home and crawl into bed and just cry non-stop. Sometimes I was lucky enough to be off on those days, so both Quinn and I could be with him at the same time, keeping him between us until he fell asleep, but the days I had to work while he was in therapy were a unique brand of torture. There was little proof that therapy was helping, but the one sign we clung to that it was doing him good was the fact that his nightmares had started to lessen. Instead of every night, they were only coming once or twice a week now. And they weren’t as violent as they’d once been.

Besides the initial aftermath of each therapy visit, Beck seemed to be doing okay. He was enjoying working with Quinn at the ranch and he often made the drive out to the resort to visit with Lilah. The young girl was also faring well, especially after a woman was hired to replace Dale. The new stable hands had also started, two men and two women, and Beck had said that Lilah seemed to get along with all of them. The resort was booked to the hilt on the day it opened and Roman had informed Beck and Quinn that he’d received several comments from customers about how well-behaved and enjoyable the horses were to be around.

Beck’s behavior around men continued to be an issue, but we’d seen slight improvements. Being back at the ranch meant he spent a lot more time with Callan. Quinn had told me that Beck had tended to avoid the man early on in the weeks since they’d gotten back from the resort, but this past week Beck had started to interact with him more as he helped Callan with a group of rescue horses that had come in. Callan, for his part, was always careful not to touch Beck or even get too close to him, so he’d definitely picked up on Beck’s behavior.

“So tight,” I whispered in Quinn’s ear as I pressed into him until my balls were brushing his ass. He felt like a vise around me and I knew I wasn’t going to last long. Luckily, the way his ass was rippling around my flesh, I doubted he would either. I licked his ear before saying, “Fuck your men, Quinn.”

Quinn seemed to understand what I was asking because he pushed into Beck which caused my dick to nearly slide free of his body. I held perfectly still as he pulled out of Beck only to engulf my dick in heat as he pressed back against me.

“Yes,” I hissed as electricity fired up my spine.

Within just a few glides, Quinn was eagerly fucking us both. I managed to kiss him on the mouth when he paused long enough to turn his head back and look at me, his eyes bright with lust. But all that did was set me off and I quickly shoved him down so he was lying flat on Beck’s back. I took over setting the pace, forcing Quinn’s dick deep into Beck’s body. Beck’s moans and whimpers drove me higher as I set a ruthless pace. I dropped my body so it was flush with Quinn’s, forcing Beck to bear most of our weight. But the change in position didn’t seem to faze Beck at all because he was eagerly humping the bed, presumably to give his unreachable dick some relief.

“God,” I muttered as I rammed into Quinn. “I can’t get enough of this.”

Since we’d decided to get tested a couple weeks earlier so we could forego condoms, the heat of Quinn’s body was magnified around my shaft so any hope I had of lasting was shot to hell. “I’m close,” I muttered into his ear.

“Harder,” Quinn groaned. “Make us both feel it.”

His words caused a guttural growl to spill from my throat as I rammed into him. Both men grunted and groaned with every forward thrust and they were eagerly pushing against me every time I pulled out. Quinn’s body was slick with sweat so I was forced to clamp my hand down on his shoulder as I pumped into him.

“Yes,” I heard Beck start repeating over and over again, his voice growing higher in pitch the closer he came to finding his pleasure. He lifted his head enough so Quinn could seal their mouths together and the sight of them kissing did me in. I slung into Quinn with jerky, unpracticed moves. I barely heard Beck scream out in relief because the ringing in my own ears had grown so loud.