Losing Griff had nearly destroyed me. What would losing Beck and Brody do to me?

And I would lose them. It was inevitable. We had less than a week left at the resort and then we’d go our separate ways. Yes, I’d still see Beck at the ranch, but it wouldn’t be the same.

Iwouldn’t be the same.

How would I ever go back to sleeping in my big bed by myself? Cooking for one person? Not sharing a shower or being woken up with a soft kiss and whispered words?

Once we got back to the ranch, Beck would be here for only six more weeks and then he’d be returning home and to whatever the future held for him. There was a possibility of continuing to see Brody, but without Beck, it wouldn’t be the same. In my heart, I knew I would take what I could get even if that meant one third of us was missing, but I wasn’t sure Brody would feel the same way.

The sound of a diesel engine and creaking metal distracted me from watching as Beck interacted with Luke, Gray and their young son, Oliver. The couple had arrived a few minutes earlier and Luke had introduced Gray and their little boy to Beck. I’d seen Beck’s reaction even though he’d tried to hide it. He’d been nervous around both men, though he’d managed to school his reaction in front of them by keeping busy with the horse he’d been tacking up as well as using Lilah as a shield by making the introductions between her and the two men.

I glanced at the driveway and recognized the CB Bar ranch truck heading towards the barn. All three men, Callan, Rhys and Finn, were joining us along with their two sons and Callan’s aunt. The boys were too small to go riding, but Callan’s aunt had agreed to babysit the toddlers while their fathers joined us and Gabriella had suggested the kids make use of the swimming pool that had a special play area for small children. Jax and Dane’s son would be joining them along with Mrs. Greene.

I walked towards the truck, surprised to see the horse trailer attached to it since we had enough horses for the ride.

“Hey,” I said to Callan as he got out of the truck. The big man smiled and shook my hand. I watched as his husbands got out and pulled their children from their car seats. Callan went to the back seat to help his aunt climb out of the tall truck.

“Hi honey, how are you?” Dolly asked as she gave me a hug. I wasn’t surprised when she handed me a big plastic container.

“Chocolate oatmeal chip,” she said with a wink and I smiled. One of the first questions the woman had asked me when she’d been introduced to me was what my favorite kind of cookie was and ever since then, I’d been getting a batch delivered to my little house every week.

“Thank you,” I said and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I had to lean over quite a bit because the woman was so damn short. She gave me a pat on the cheek and then went around the truck to gather up the kids.

“What’s this?” I asked Callan as I pointed at the horse trailer, but I had my answer when a familiar whinny sounded from inside it. A smile split my lips as I handed Callan the container and hurried to the trailer and opened the side door. Koda’s face immediately thrust through the opening and pressed into my hands.

“He was missing you,” Callan said with a smile. He patted me on the back and then went to the back of the trailer to open it up so I could unload my horse. The familiar comfort of being around the animal eased some of the tension that had been inside of me and I took just a moment to soak up the calmness he never failed to bring me.

I’d seen the horse for sale at one of the final rodeos Griff and I had attended before leaving the circuit to start our new life at the ranch in Wyoming. With his prized bloodlines and perfect conformation, he’d come with a high price tag that I hadn’t been able to justify. Griff and I had saved up a little bit of money that we’d planned to add to over the years so we could someday start our own ranch. It had been enough to cover the cost of the three-year-old stallion, but I’d gone with logic instead of emotion. So I couldn’t have been more surprised when I’d come home from work just two days after moving into our new place to find the beautiful horse in one of the stalls in the dilapidated barn that had come with the property. Griff had been grinning from ear to ear as he’d walked me to the barn telling me he needed to show me something. I’d argued with him that it was an expense that we couldn’t afford, but he’d simply told me that our dream to run our own ranch could wait just a little bit longer.

I hurried into the trailer and unhooked Koda’s halter from the tether and then led him out of the trailer. I followed Callan into the barn and put Koda into cross ties. My eyes connected with Beck who was tacking up another horse and I saw him smile as his eyes fell on my horse. I felt that smile everywhere.

It was chaotic as more and more people began to arrive and while I couldn’t keep my eyes on Beck the whole time, I did notice that Brody stayed nearby as he helped get horses ready. The large number of people made it easier for Beck to stay busy and not linger with any one or two people and I think that helped settle him. When Dane and Jax arrived, their daughter immediately sought out Beck and I enjoyed the sight of him interacting with her as he showed her how to brush the horse he was getting ready. He seemed a little tense around Dane and more so Jax, but when they each gave him a brief hug, he held his own.

The last to arrive were Roman, Hunter and their daughter. I’d talked with Roman on the phone a few times in the past few weeks and while he’d taken the time off to be with his husband as they welcomed their daughter into their lives, he’d been working from home as much as he could.

“Quinn,” Roman nodded as he entered the barn carrying his daughter with one arm and holding his husband’s hand with the other. Allie was an adorable little girl with black hair and a darker skin tone, hinting at a mixed heritage. She was quiet in Roman’s arms, but she didn’t seem distressed. Her arms were around his neck and her face was resting against him as she took everything in.

“Hey, glad you could make it,” I said. “Hey, Hunter.”

Hunter nodded at me and then turned to look at Roman. “I’m going to go say hi to people.”

Roman nodded and I wasn’t surprised when they kissed softly. To Allie, Hunter said, “I’m going to go say hi to some friends. Do you want to come with me or stay with Papa?”

Allie was quiet for a moment before she said, “Papa.”

Hunter smiled and then caressed her cheek with his finger. It was clear both men were completely in love with their new daughter.

Hunter wandered off to greet people as I continued to get Koda ready.

“How are things going?” Roman asked as he moved around to Koda’s front so Allie could see the horse’s face. Pride went through me as my horse gently nuzzled at her hand when she put it out towards him.

“Really good,” I said. “Lilah started a few days ago.” I motioned behind Roman to where Lilah was getting a horse saddled under Beck’s watchful eye. Like Beck, the girl was a quick study and she got along well with the horses. Even better, she and Beck had struck up a friendship that I suspected was equally good for the both of them.

“And Dale is starting next week.”

Dale was the new barn manager who would essentially take on the role I’d been playing the past few weeks, along with the business side of things like managing the staff and dealing with the vendors for all the things needed to care for the horses. Besides Dale and Lilah, there’d be another four stable hands to help with trail rides and such, but they weren’t scheduled to start until a couple days before the resort actually opened.

“Great. Gabriella said he’s got great experience.”