“Well, it wasn’t like you were going to do it yourself, so I’m your champion,” Roman said.
“My what?”
“Haven’t you ever watchedGame of Thrones.”
“Yeah,” Hunter said, still completely confused.
“Remember that episode where the dwarf guy has another guy fight for him in his trial?”
Hunter couldn’t hold back his smile. “Yeah.”
“That guy was his champion.”
“Wait, didn’t the guy die? Like horribly?”
Roman seemed to have to think on it before saying, “That’s beside the point.”
“No, the big guy he was fighting like crushed his head. It was disgusting.”
“Oh, hey, are you talking about that scene fromGame of Thrones,” Rhys interjected as he appeared with Finn at the table and sat down. “Because that was fucking epic!”
“I know, right,” Roman said. Hunter and Finn exchanged smiles because even as their men began dissecting the infamous fight scene, they both maintained some kind of contact with their lovers. Rhys’ hand was covering Finn’s and Roman was still holding Hunter pressed up against his chest and had his arm draped over his shoulder. Hunter reached up to lace the fingers of his free hand with Roman’s and then looked at Finn and mouthed the words, “Thank you.”
* * *
“What are you doing?” Hunter asked as he put his toothbrush away and crawled into bed next to Roman who was looking at something on his tablet.
“Looking for a house,” Roman said.
“You’re buying a house? I thought you liked living at the hotel in Big Sur.”
“Not in California. Out here,” Roman responded. “And I’m thinking we should just rent a place until you finish school and then we can decide where we want to live full time.”
“What?” Hunter said. When Roman didn’t immediately answer him, Hunter grabbed the tablet and tossed it aside. “You’re staying here?”
“I’ll have to travel for work still but I think I can figure something out so I’m only gone a week or two each month.”
“But…but are you sure that’s what you want?” Hunter asked even as he crawled over Roman’s body so he could straddle his lap.
“Do you really have to ask that?” Roman murmured as he kissed Hunter. “And did you hear the part where I said ‘we’?”
He had but he hadn’t let himself believe what he was hearing. Roman kissed him again and said, “Hunter, that was my way of asking if you’ll move in with me.”
Too overcome to speak, Hunter nodded vigorously and then crushed his mouth down on Roman’s. He maneuvered Roman until he was flat on his back and then proceeded to torture him until Roman was begging for relief. But it wasn’t until Roman threatened to rescind his offer that Hunter took pity on him and surged inside of him with one hard thrust. Roman reached down to grab his ass as Hunter started pounding into him and even though he was topping, he happily gave control over to Roman whose fingers dug into Hunter’s cheeks as he set the pace he wanted. Hunter focused his attention on Roman’s needy cock and spit into his hand and then wrapped it around the pulsing flesh and then adjusted his motion to match Roman’s. Brutal and fast one minute, slow, deep and twisting the next.
As Roman increased the speed, Hunter pulled Roman’s cock against his own abdomen and held his palm flat over the flushed shaft. He leaned forward just enough so that his own body could act as a counterpoint for his lunges into Roman’s body. Every time Roman pulled him forward so that he was pressed as deep into Roman as he could go, the cocoon he’d created with his palm and his gut slid down Roman’s length. When he slid out of Roman, Roman’s cock surged through the tunnel his hand had created. As soon as Roman realized what he’d done, his movements became frantic and he began desperately slamming his body against Hunter’s to increase the tension. Roman ended up coming first but even as his come spilled onto Hunter’s stomach and down his hand, Roman kept dragging Hunter’s ass forward and back until Hunter let out a wail of completion. Then Roman held him as tight against his ass as he could and groaned every time Hunter’s body convulsed inside of his. When the aftershocks finally stopped, Hunter carefully pulled free of Roman’s body and got out of bed just long enough to get cleaned up and to bring a washcloth back to bed for Roman. Then he crawled under the covers. He snatched up the tablet and handed it back to Roman so they could look at the available houses.
“Would you come with me to Dare tomorrow?” Hunter asked.
Roman put the tablet down on his lap and turned to look at him. “Sure. What for?”
“I’d like to see my grandmother and I want you to meet her.”
A wide smile passed over Roman’s mouth and then he nodded. “I’d like that.”
Hunter settled against Roman’s side as he picked the tablet up and began scrolling through the different screens.
I forgive you, Hunter.