* * *

“How much longer?” Roman asked as he tightened his hold on Hunter’s waist.

“An hour I think,” Hunter responded as he played with Roman’s hair.

They were lying on the bed at the back of his jet. Roman didn’t remember everything that happened after his meltdown in his childhood bedroom but he’d pieced together that Gray and Luke had likely helped Hunter get him out of there and arranged for them to fly back home.

“Gray and Luke?”

“Up front.”

That surprised Roman. He would have guessed Gray would have stayed behind to be with his mother. “Not exactly the vacation I promised you, was it?” Roman said tiredly.

“I don’t know,” Hunter said softly. “The beginning…well, I don’t even have any words to describe how perfect and beautiful you made it.”

Roman glanced up and felt a shimmer of pleasure at the sight of color flooding Hunter’s cheeks.

“And the way Gray laid into Victoria at the end there, that was definitely my second favorite part.”

“What did he do?”

“He called her a few choice names, told her to go fuck herself and then announced to everyone that he had to go because his brother needed him. Victoria looked like she was going to have a stroke.”

Roman chuckled. “How’d I get so lucky?” he asked.

Hunter laced their fingers together. “Luck had nothing to do with it, Roman. We found each other because you refused to give up on me. You have your brother back because you were strong enough to give him a second chance. That’s all you.”

Hunter leaned down to kiss him and Roman met him halfway. He guessed there would be a time when he would need to deal with the volcano of emotions that his father’s death had brought back to the surface, including the truth about his mother’s suicide, but for now he had what he needed and that was enough.


Hunter struggled to focus on his computer but the sound of Roman working on his own laptop was driving him crazy. Not because the sound of the clicking mouse was bothering him but because he’d called an embargo on any fooling around until he finished his English Lit paper. It would have made more sense to stay at his dorm to finish but he hadn’t managed to spend more than a handful of hours outside of Roman’s company since they’d returned to Missoula and Roman had announced that he wouldn’t be traveling for work that week. They’d gotten back late Tuesday night and Hunter had managed to make it to his second therapy session the next morning but only because Roman had insisted that he go.

Whatever demons Roman had exorcised in his childhood room seemed to have extinguished themselves because he seemed surprisingly relaxed. His relationship with Gray hadn’t suffered in the least and in fact, it seemed stronger than ever because Roman often spoke with his brother and had driven down to see him several times since they’d gotten back. Luke and Gray had driven up to have dinner with them at a local steakhouse just last night and unlike their previous dinner a couple weeks earlier, Roman was an active participant.

Hunter gave up on trying to concentrate and closed his computer. He turned around from the desk he’d commandeered and draped his arms over the back of the chair as he watched Roman work. When Roman didn’t acknowledge him, Hunter got up and crawled onto the bed until he was straddling Roman’s lower legs. Hunter began massaging Roman’s thighs but since the laptop was still on Roman’s lap, he had very little room to work with.

When he made a move to take the computer away, Roman put up a finger to stop him. “One sec,” he murmured. “I just need one more Color Bomb and I’m golden.”

Hunter grabbed Roman’s laptop and stared at the screen in disbelief. “You’re playing Candy Crush?” he asked. “I thought you were working!”

Roman just laughed and took the laptop from him and put it on the nightstand. He dragged Hunter down for a kiss. “I take it the embargo has been lifted?” Roman breathed against his lips.

“Oh yeah,” Hunter said as he leaned back enough to work on Roman’s jeans. It wasn’t often that he’d seen Roman in anything other than dress slacks but the man was positively yummy in the butter-soft denim that clung to his ass and hugged his thighs.

Hunter had barely gotten the button free when Roman’s phone rang. But he didn’t stop wrestling with Roman’s zipper until Roman said, “It’s Gray.” Hunter hesitated but then figured it could be fun to torment Roman while he tried to keep up a normal conversation with his brother. He started pulling Roman’s zipper down but Roman’s big hand settled over his and Hunter stilled when he saw the seriousness in Roman’s gaze.

“Okay, yeah, give it to him.”

Roman hung up the phone and Hunter automatically tensed when his dark eyes held Hunter’s.

“What? Are he and Luke okay?”

“They’re fine,” Roman said. “It’s Finn.”

“Did something happen to him?” Hunter asked in a panic.

“No, no,” Roman quickly reassured him. “They ran into him in town this afternoon and he asked for your number. They didn’t give it to him but Gray told him he would ask me if it would be okay for Finn to text me.”