“Tell me how it feels,” Roman bit out as he slapped his hands on the wall on either side of Hunter’s head.
“So tight,” Hunter moaned and from the way his hips began to twist, Roman knew he was trying to work his fingers in deeper than they could go. “Hot,” Hunter added.
Roman swooped in to kiss him and then reached his hand down to Hunter’s crease. He followed the path of Hunter’s hand and then began probing Hunter’s already stuffed full hole. “Keep them there,” Roman ordered as he began pressing his finger in next to Hunter’s. Hunter gasped at the added pressure and then let out a whimper when Roman’s finger pressed down on both of his and then maneuvered them until he hit his own prostate. Since he knew the angle would be uncomfortable for Hunter to maintain, Roman only held them there for a few moments before pulling his and Hunter’s fingers free.
“Put your arms around my neck,” Roman said softly and as soon as Hunter had done it, Roman reached down and lifted Hunter up and pinned him against the wall and held him in place as he reached between them to position his cock. Hunter’s legs immediately wrapped around him and the position helped Roman search out Hunter’s hole. Hunter moaned when Roman slid into him but unlike the night before, Roman surged into Hunter in one long lunge.
“Fuck, Roman, so good,” Hunter cried out as his lips searched out Roman’s. “Fuck me really hard, okay?” Hunter whispered against his lips.
Since that had been Roman’s plan from the get go, he quickly pulled almost all the way out of Hunter and then slammed back in. Hunter let out a loud curse when Roman did it again but since he began pushing his hips down every time Roman plunged into him, Roman knew he wasn’t feel any pain or discomfort. After that, Roman set a ruthless pattern of pounding into Hunter until he was close to the edge and then pulling out until just the head of his dick was holding Hunter open and hanging there until Hunter begged and pleaded with him for more. Then he’d start all over again. He kept up the torment until his own body couldn’t take it anymore and then he brutally fucked Hunter until both of them were one body whose only goal was relief. When it came, Hunter actually bit down on his shoulder and the sting of pain had Roman shouting Hunter’s name as he unloaded into the condom. Hunter kept slamming his hips down on Roman as his hot release bathed both their bodies just before the hot water washed the evidence of their joining away.
* * *
Hunter was grateful for the water raining down on him and Roman because it made the tears easier to hide. He could still feel Roman’s pulsing cock deep inside of him and automatically tightened his muscles so that he could feel even more of the mind blowing sensation. Roman groaned at the move and actually shoved into him a little more.
The idea of playing in the shower together hadn’t actually hit Hunter until Roman had mentioned needing to wash the sweat from their day away as Hunter had started kissing him as soon as they got back to Roman’s place. They’d spent the entire day exploring Big Sur and had spent hours hiking to different spots to admire the view and check out the various attractions. And unlike the day before, Hunter hadn’t felt even an ounce of concern about being seen in public with Roman. They’d held hands, kissed, laughed, taken selfies…they’d even asked a couple they’d met on one of the trails to take a picture of them together. If anyone had looked at them strangely or with disgust, Hunter hadn’t noticed and he certainly wouldn’t have cared because nothing could chase away the feeling of how perfect his life was. Roman’s gentle introduction to what it was really supposed to feel like to have another man buried deep inside of his body had blown every one of Hunter’s expectations out of the water. When he’d fucked Roman, he’d reveled in watching Roman come apart beneath him but being fucked by Roman was so much different. It had been exactly like Roman had said…it had been about Roman taking care of him, cherishing his vulnerability that opening himself up to Roman required rather than exploiting it. And if he thought it would be a one-time feeling that came from it being his first time, he’d been wrong because even now with Roman still joined with him, all those emotions were wreaking havoc in his crowded mind. Hence the tears.
Hunter couldn’t help the twinge of loss he felt when Roman finally pulled free of his body so he could dispose of the condom. But Roman quickly made up for it by kissing him as he pulled their sated bodies together and stood under the soothing water. It could have been minutes or hours that passed before Roman turned off the shower and pulled him out onto the bathmat and began drying him off with a soft towel.
“Go get dressed,” Roman murmured against his lips as he wrapped the towel around Hunter’s hips. “We have reservations.”
Hunter nodded and then took one last look at Roman’s tight ass as he left the bathroom. It was on the tip of his tongue to ask Roman if they could just order room service when he heard Roman’s phone ringing where it sat on the nightstand. He glanced at it and called out to Roman, “Roman, it’s Gray.”
“Can you get it?” Roman called back.
Hunter picked up the phone and answered. “Gray, hi, this is Hunter.”
“Hey, Hunter,” Gray said, his voice quiet and uneven. A twinge of concern went through Hunter at how off Gray sounded and he automatically began walking towards the bathroom. “Can I talk to Roman?” Gray asked.
“Yeah, here he is,” Hunter said as he handed the phone to Roman.
Roman must have seen something in his eyes because he shot him a questioning look as he answered the phone. After that, Roman didn’t speak or even move as he listened to Gray. Finally, he said, “Yeah, okay,” and then hung up the phone.
“What?” Hunter asked. “What is it?”
Roman put the phone down on the counter and continued drying himself off, his movements automatic and efficient.
“Um, Walt – my father – is in the hospital.”
“What happened?” Hunter asked gently as he took the towel from Roman and took over the job of drying him off.
“His heart…Gray said they don’t think he has much time left. Hours maybe. Gray and Luke are on their way to the airport.”
“Roman, I’m sorry,” Hunter whispered as he wrapped his arms around Roman’s neck. Roman’s arms came around him.
“He’s asking for me.”
* * *
Roman clutched Hunter’s hand in his as they waited for their stop on the right floor. The elevator was crowded and had to make several stops as doctors and other hospital staff got on and off and he eventually lost track of what was going on around him as he mulled over the unexpected turn of events. It had been nearly four years since he’d seen his father and the idea of seeing him now in his final hours both scared the hell out of him and pissed him off.
“Baby, this is us,” Hunter said gently as he tugged at Roman’s hand. Roman let Hunter lead him off the elevator and down several hallways but with every step that drew them closer to his father’s room, Roman just wanted to turn around and go back to his place and crawl into his comfortable bed and wrap himself around Hunter. This was supposed to be their weekend. Every moment of it had been perfect up to this point but somehow fate had deemed that his past should step in like it always did and fuck everything up. He was on the verge of telling Hunter that they were going back to the hotel when he looked up and saw a familiar face staring at him with naked contempt.
Victoria looked exactly as she always did. Perfect. Whatever plastic surgeon she had on retainer made her sixty-three years look like forty-five and her slim figure was perfectly packaged in a silky pants suit that matched her stiletto pumps. Her dark blonde hair was done up in some kind of twist and nearly every piece of exposed skin had some kind of glittering jewelry adorning it. When her frosty eyes lit on Roman, her lips drew into a sneer and she turned her bitter eyes on the young nurse behind the nurse’s station. “I specifically told you not to call him,” she snapped and Roman couldn’t help but wonder how the nurse was supposed to know what she was talking about since she wouldn’t have a clue who Roman was.
“Mrs. Hawthorne-”
“What are you doing here?” Victoria snarled as she stepped in their path.