The blow he was waiting for never came. There were no words of hatred or damning him to hell. Instead Callan just said, “I know” and continued to hold his hand out expectantly.

Hunter shook his hand briefly, half expecting the man to sucker punch him as soon as he took it but Callan merely gave him a quick shake and then released him. When his big hand reached for his face, Hunter took a step back before he could stop himself. His move only caused Callan to hesitate for a moment and then he was gently tilting Hunter’s face to the side.

“Rhys shouldn’t have done this,” he murmured. “I’m sorry.”

Something inside of Hunter shattered into a million pieces. “What?”

“I said I’m sor-”

“Oh my God,” Hunter said as he wrapped an arm around his stomach to staunch the pain he felt. If he hadn’t known better, he’d have thought there was a mortal wound that had ripped him open and all his life’s blood was spilling from his body and pooling on the dusty ground beneath his feet. “Please, Mr. Bale…please don’t ever say that to me again.”

“Why not?” Callan asked gently…too gently.

“You know why not,” Hunter whispered. “Is he…Is he here?” Hunter managed to ask.

“No,” Callan said. “He and Rhys went to Bozeman to look at a bull. Finn’s got some ideas about how to improve the quality of our herd,” Callan added. “He’s taken over the ranch so I can focus on doing what I love,” he said as he nodded at the big horse who was still watching them from a safe distance.

Hunter had no clue what to say to that since he had no idea why Callan was sharing so much information with him. Hell, the man should have kicked him off the property the second he laid eyes on him.

“He’s okay, Hunter,” Callan suddenly said and Hunter realized his thoughts must have been written all over his face.

Tears threatened to fall as he realized how much he’d needed to hear those words.

Hunter nodded quickly. “I’m sorry for everything, Mr. Bale. I truly am,” he said in a rush. “I’ll fix things – I’ll make sure people know it was me.”

Hunter began walking before he even finished speaking because the tears were already falling down his face. He’d steeled himself for hatred, derision, rage. He’d done nothing to prepare himself for kindness.

“Hunter, wait,” Callan said as he gently grabbed him by the arm and held him in place. Hunter couldn’t force himself to look up at Callan so he just hung there and waited.

“I saw you there that night. At the hospital.”

The statement was so unexpected that Hunter snapped his eyes up to meet Callan’s. “No,” he said with a shake of his head.

“I was coming back from the cafeteria. I’d gone to get some coffee. They’d given Finn something to help him sleep so I knew he’d be out for a bit. When I came back, I saw someone coming out of his room. He was wearing a hoodie but I could see his hair. It was so light that it almost looked white.”

Hunter sucked in a breath. “I…I heard about what happened from a guy whose mom was a nurse in the ER.”

“I didn’t know it was you till just now,” Callan said as he glanced at Hunter’s hair. “So I never told Finn. I saw your face, Hunter. Even from as far away as I was, I saw your face.”

Hunter tried to shake Callan off but the big man wouldn’t release him. “It was nothing,” he muttered as a brief image of the beating he’d gotten for trying to suggest to his father that he’d sent Finn a mixed signal went through his mind. “It wasn’t even half of what I deserved.”

“Look, I don’t know what your situation is these days but I know Finn would be okay with me telling you to make sure you’re safe first and foremost. Too many people in this town went after Finn because of who he was, not what you said. Those people won’t suddenly stop hating him or me or Rhys just because you admit what really happened that night. All you’ll do is make yourself a target.”

“I don’t think I can keep living this lie,” Hunter admitted. “I need to tell the truth, not just for Finn but for me too.”

He was surprised when Callan clasped the back of his neck with his big hand and looked him square in the eye. “I’m not asking you to hide who you are, Hunter. In fact, I’m flat out telling you right now not to. I denied who I was for so long that it nearly cost me one of the most important people in my entire life. But knowing what I know about your father – having seen the hatred he has for people like us – I need you to think of your safety first. Go to your grandmother or someone else you trust.”

“Gran…Gran and I don’t talk anymore. She knew I lied about Finn and told me I should tell the truth. I’ve been too ashamed…”

“Your grandmother loves you, Hunter. Don’t doubt that.”

Hunter shook his head. This was too much. It was all just too much.

“Then come stay with us. We have an extra room you can use till you figure something out.”

An obscene laugh bubbled up deep inside Hunter’s throat. He’d destroyed this man’s life, ruined his livelihood and nearly cost his lover his life and he wanted Hunter to move in? So he could fucking protect him?

Shaking free of Callan, Hunter took several steps away from him. “Tell Finn I’m sorry, okay? Tell him I’ll figure out how to fix things and I won’t come back to Dare - he’ll never have to see me again.”