Quinn and I came at nearly the exact same time. His muscles fisted my shaft, dragging out my orgasm as I filled him with endless streams of hot, sticky cum. The unspeakable pleasure lit up every nerve ending and I found myself biting down on Quinn’s shoulder to keep from shouting. Quinn let out a curse and then I felt his hand reach behind him to grab my ass. His fingers flexed into me as I continued to thrust into him. It wasn’t until long minutes later as my orgasm released me from its tight grip that a shimmer of worry went through me when I realized how quiet Quinn was beneath me.
Had I been too rough with him?
It had been his first time, after all.
“Are you okay?” I asked him as I placed kisses over the spot where my teeth had left red marks on his skin.
An aftershock ricocheted through Quinn’s body causing his ass to massage my spent dick.
“You really need to ask that?” he asked with a chuckle.
I smiled and searched out his mouth.
“I think we killed Beck, though,” Quinn said when I released his mouth.
“Beck,” I murmured.
Beck said something into the bedding that I couldn’t understand.
“I think he said he wants more,” Quinn said softly.
Beck turned his face until his cheek was pressed flat against the bed. “I said you guys are fucking heavy.”
Quinn and I both laughed. Quinn thrust gently in Beck’s body and I bit back a groan at the sensation of my dick pulling out of him. I immediately pushed forward so I could stay sheathed in his tight heat.
“Next time you can be on top,” Quinn murmured. “I want that thick cock of yours buried deep inside me.”
“Fuck,” Beck groaned.
“Would you like that, baby?”
Beck nodded.
“You still want us to get off you?” Quinn asked knowingly.
I smiled when Beck shook his head. “Only when we switch places.”
Since my dick was already starting to get hard again, I suspected we’d be able to accommodate our young lover in no time.
“Love you,” I murmured to Quinn as I settled against him and began moving my hips in a circular motion.
“Love you too,” Quinn said on a moan. My movement had the effect I wanted because within a matter of minutes both of my men were grinding their bodies together. We quickly switched places so I was lying on my back beneath Quinn and Beck was behind him. Quinn began kissing me as Beck got me ready and then Quinn was sliding deep inside of me. I groaned as his thickness speared through me and he gave me a few hard thrusts. But that only lasted as long as it took Beck to plunge into Quinn’s body and I gladly gave up control to my men as they loved me.
“How are you feeling, Beck?”
I glanced at Dr. Emory and nodded. “I’m okay,” I said. “Nervous,” I added since I knew it was important to use words to actually describe how I was feeling. It was something I’d learned early on in talking with the huge, bald-headed man. When I’d first walked into his office, the tattoos and piercings had thrown me…but that had only lasted as long as it had taken for me to shake the man’s hand because my instincts had kicked in and that familiar need had taken over. The humiliation of it all had almost had me walking out then and there, but I’d forced myself to sit down when he’d asked me to. As the psychologist had welcomed me and asked me a few questions about myself before he’d asked that ever-important question, I’d repeated to myself that Hunter trusted the man.
What are your goals not only for this session, but for therapy as a whole, Beck?
I’d studied him for a long time before I’d finally done what I hadn’t been able to do for a really long time.
I’d told him the truth.
The raw, brutal truth.