Page 15 of Endangered

I can barely even read it without my cheeks heating. Which makes me wonder…Cove said we know each other, that we went out a couple of times and that we kissed. Was it like it is in romance novels?

I sort of want to ask him but I bite my tongue – literally – to keep from looking like a fool.

“Do you believe in all that then?” he asks me.

“All what?”

“The paranormal. Ghosts and stuff.”

I shrug. “I don’t know.” An uneasy feeling settles over me. I have voices in my head. I can hear the most intimate thoughts of those around me. I’ve always had an affinity for understanding animals. As a child I used to talk to ‘ghosts’. But years of therapy and, more recently, a fuckload of medication has beaten those ‘psychotic fantasies’ out of me. “Why do you ask?”

“What about the supernatural?”

“Isn’t that the same thing?”

“I was thinking more…shifters. That sort of thing.”

“Like werewolves?” I look down at my wolf shifter romance which has an interesting plot twist developing. Could it be real? I don’t think so. Seems unlikely. But then again, isn’t reading minds?

“I guess.”

“You’re asking if I think human beings can shift into animals, in real life?” I can’t keep the incredulity out of my tone. If I even knew how to flirt, I would find a way to tease him about his question, but I don’t have a clue where to start and I’m sure I end up just staring at him like he’s crazy.

He doesn’t laugh it off but waits patiently for my response so I’m forced to add, “I mean, it’s fun to read. But it’s not real.”

“What about magic?”

“Tricks? Sure. They can be cool.” Even I can hear how sceptical I sound. Wary. Where’s he going with this? Oh god, if he wants to perform a magic trick for me I might die of embarrassment.

“No, like actual, real magic.”

“Harry Potter wand-waving magic?” I giggle nervously. “Erm, no. I don’t. Why?”

“Dunno. Just trying to make conversation I guess. Actually,” he pauses, checks his wrist for a watch which isn’t there, and then forces a yawn, “it’s pretty late. I think I better go.”

“Oh.” My face falls. I did something wrong. Said something stupid. But what? I think back over the last thirty seconds. Did he think I was mocking his interest in Harry Potter? Because I love that series. It’s pure escapism, grounded by characters relatable enough to make the reader think it could happen to them. You know, if it was real and life didn’t suck.

“Yeah. I had a really nice time tonight Mai-Tai.” I wait for the ‘but’, trying to mask my disappointment and confusion over whatever it was that I did wrong. “Let’s do it again sometime?”

“Sure,” I say, noncommittal. I don’t believe he wants to see me again for a second. If he did, why would he be running now? He’s just being polite.

“Next time, you can choose the movie so that you don’t spend the entire time bored out of your brain.”

“What? I wasn’t bored.”

“Oh, really? Then why did you spend the whole film staring at me rather than your laptop then?” he teases with a wink. I don’t reply but my face flames enough to answer for me and my eyes widen. I’m so busted.

“I had fun tonight too. Thank you for…not taking no for an answer, I guess.”

“Pretty girl, I’ll never take no for an answer when it comes to dating you. Goodnight!” He ends the call before I fully catch what he’s saying but it leaves me feeling a lot better than I did a few seconds ago.

For the first time in forever, I don’t read my book before bed, choosing instead to listen to the playlist Cove sent me earlier. The opening beats of ‘Missing Piece’ by Vance Joy washes over me, and I close my eyes and fall into sweet dreams with a smile on my face, and piercing ocean-blue eyes on my mind.