Page 131 of Hunting Grounds

“And because I could keep an eye on you on the security feeds.”


He continues like I’ve not even spoken. “So settle the fuck down, princess, because I’m not going anywhere.”

“You watched me in the shower?” I demand, hotly.

“Of course not. I just checked you were still breathing when you didn’t come out for so long.”

“On camera? You have cameras in my bathroom? Where else?”

“Everywhere, of course. I take your safety very seriously.”

“Since. When?” I grind out.

“Since you were fucking abducted!”

“Which time? Yesterday? Or when you abducted me weeks ago?”

Axel doesn’t answer.

“Get out. Now,” I demand in a deadly tone.

His “no” is petulant and it makes my temper boil over.

“Get. Out. Axel!” I shout.

“No.” Gah! He’s stubborn as a mule. “You were drugged. You’re not safe to be alone.”

I get to my feet and point in his face, though there’s zero height advantage when I’m standing and he’s still lounging on my bed like he owns it.

“What’s not safe is for you to be around me right now,” I warn.

“It’s fine.” He waves a hand dismissively. “I had all of the knives removed from the room.” This just enrages me even more.

“You’re unbelievable!” I cry, throwing my arms up in the air. Axel’s gaze darkens and it takes a moment for me to figure out why. My towel has slipped. I clutch it and yank it back up from around my waist to make myself decent once more, refusing to look down and wonder if his gaze is dark with his desire for me or for the bloodshed of the ones who hurt me. Or maybe just seeing The Doe tattoo sprawled across my chest arouses him.

“Put some clothes on,” he says darkly, dragging his gaze away like it pains him. “I won’t have this conversation with you while you’re practically naked.”

“Fine.” I stomp over to my wardrobe and wrench open the doors. It feels good to be a little bit violent with them, to take out a modicum of the pent-up emotions that I’m feeling on something. I grab the first sleep shirt my hand lands on. He’ll hate this. I pull it over my head and slam the doors once more. “Better?” I smirk with my hands on my hips and his gaze blazes.

“You’re pushing it, Peony,” he warns. “I’m trying to be good—”

“Since when have you ever been good?” I snort.

“Exactly.” He scrubs his hands over his face but his gaze is like a magnet that keeps coming back to sweep across my bare legs and my torso which is barely concealed by the T-shirt he left behind in my bedroom on that fateful night which changed everything. “That’s why it’s so fucking hard. I swear you’d tempt the patience of a saint.”

“Good job you’re just The Father then,” I reply with vitriol and sarcasm.

Suddenly I know exactly what I need. Axel. I need him to replace the horrors of the last twenty-four hours with…anything. I don’t care if we argue, I have to push him. It’s a compulsion. I need to pick a fight with someone. I need to let my anger out somehow.

And I have plenty to be angry with Axel about. He might not be the object of my rage today, but he is deserving of it nonetheless for sins past.

He shakes his head but doesn’t rise to my bait. I need to push him. Provoke him somehow.

He’s always been a jealous, possessive arsehole. Maybe I should play on that.

“If you installed those cameras weeks ago, you’d know that Kaiden and I fucked. Right there on the bed where you’re lying. You’d have yourself a nice little sex tape to watch. You’d be able to play it back on repeat and watch over and over again how he made me come just by sucking at the cut on my neck that he made. How he made me scream my way through another three orgasms after tha— Oof!”