Page 125 of Hunting Grounds

“Oh my goodness, Axel, I’m so so sorry! I honestly had no idea who she was. I would never have accepted her if—”

“Save it,” Axel snaps. “I’m taking my girl home.”

“Yes, of course. I have a car waiting. I thought she might not be comfortable on the bike after…”

She doesn’t finish that sentence. There’s no need. After she bought me and then sold my body for one night of torture to the highest bidders? Or were they just the most eager, depraved monsters she had on speed dial? Did I fetch a good price? Was I worth it?

Axel growls something which could be thanks or a warning not to push it, and stalks past Arcelia without a backwards glance. I don’t know why he doesn’t put a bullet in her for this.

Then it hits me.

He knows. He knows who did this, but he also knows what happened to me in that room. What happens here at this hotel. He invested in it. He backed her and her twisted, sick, hotel of horrors theme.

They all did.

My stomach lurches and I just make it through the double glass doors out onto the street before emptying the contents of my stomach all over the pavement, narrowly missing my bare feet.

As an investor, he probably gets a share of every transaction. Which means he just made money off my suffering.

I knew Axel was into…well, a lot of fucked up shit, if the family ‘business’ was anything to go by, but this?

This is too much.

I stumble on the pavement and put some distance between the two of us while we wait for the car that was arranged to pull up.

Axel begins to pace, running his hands through his hair in agitation.

“Who did this to you?” he eventually demands.

I say nothing and his frustration grows.

“Damn it, Odile! Tell me who did this!” His sudden shout makes me jump and despite my resolve to stay strong, I flinch. Axel doesn’t seem to notice though, back to pacing and growling to himself.

“They’re dead. They’re so fucking dead that their entire family line will be wiped out today. Every living blood relative is gone. Those associated by marriage, gone. Their fucking housekeepers and their barbers and their dog’s fucking vets are gone.”

“You know,” I whisper, the words awkward and difficult in my mouth. I swallow hard but when I speak again my voice isn’t any louder. “You know who did this.”

Axel freezes like my words have stabbed him.

“The General wouldn’t dare…” he mutters disbelievingly.

His back is to me and he doesn't turn. I don’t think I could bear to see his face anyway. He knows.

“Who would dare, Axel? Who would be so bold as to take on The Holy Trinity’s wrath?” My tone is bitter, sarcastic, hurt.

Axel said being The Doe would keep me safe. He fucking lied. Being The Doe, having The Holy Trinity back in my life…might not be the worst thing that’s ever happened to me, but it’s now in the top fucking five.

“Odi—” I’ve never heard such a pained, pleasing sound come from Axel before.

“They wanted to send you a message. I hope it’s been received and understood,” I say tersely. “Now I’d like to go home.”

A sleek black limo pulls up and I step forward to open my own damn door before the driver can get out to do it for me. I’m half tempted to slam the door after me, but I’m not that petty.

I clamber over the slippery leather upholstery to take the seat furthest from the door. Axel climbs in, notices how far I’ve positioned myself from him, and sighs. The driver closes the door, probably terrified he’ll be fired for failing to open it before me and trying to prove that he’s good at his job.

“Odi,” Axel begins on a resigned and pained sigh. “I can’t kill The Gods.”

I refuse to look at him. I stare at the blacked out window which only shows my own reflection staring back at me. I concentrate on a smear on the glass instead. I don’t want to see myself. Don’t want to assess the damage.