Page 2 of Hunting Grounds

Not that I’d really know because the second they left for uni, they cut me off and haven’t been in touch since.

I used to be bitter about it but now I’m mostly raging. They fucking groomed me to be theirs and then they dropped me faster than a discarded tampon, leaving me with nothing and no one.

Okay, maybe I am still bitter about it.

I can feel The Spirit’s eyes burning into my tattoo like a brand. I remain locked on The Father.

“What the hell is this about?” I demand when he refuses to reply.

“You’ll see, little doe.”

“Do not call me that!” I cross my arms over my chest and try to take deep breaths to calm down.

“Feeling stabby?” The Spirit smirks. I swear to god, if I had picked up my food first, he would be wearing it by now. Hell, if I had cutlery at my disposal I might have stabbed at least one of them already. The blade in my back pocket burns through my jeans, and I desperately want to whip it out and cut him so hard right now. Or at least threaten him a little. But I’m not stupid. If I want to survive here, I have to be smart. Stabbing one of the most powerful guys on campus on my first day would definitely not be classed as a smart move.

“Like you wouldn’t believe,” I force out from between gritted teeth. The Spirit chuckles lightly, which earns him a death glare from The Father.

“Good. Hang on to that feeling,” he tells me. “You’re gonna need it.”

Then the fucker winks at me. Winks!

“You’re dismissed,” The Father adds curtly, turning away from me in a move that makes my blood boil even hotter. It would be so easy to stab him in the back like he did to me.

Instantly, the other two turn back to whatever it was that they were doing before I arrived, and the rest of the room follows their lead. The lack of eyes on me makes me suddenly feel naked, but I breathe properly for the first time since waking up too.

I reach out and snatch the shiny green apple from The Spirit’s tray and wordlessly walk away. I’m proud of myself for not stomping or throwing too much of a hissy fit, but there’s no way I can calmly queue up for breakfast and eat in a room that contains them. So back to bed with an apple it is for me. Which is exactly where I’ll spend the rest of the day, plotting murder.

“You need a nickname.”

“Do you have nicknames?” I ask.

“Yep. We’re The Holy Trinity,” Axel replies, before pointing to himself and the others. “Father, Son, Spirit.”

“Those are weird names.” I wrinkle up my nose.

“It’s because Axel's the oldest and Zie’s the youngest.”

“And you? Why are you called The Spirit?”

“Because I died when I was born and came back to life,” Kaiden deadpans.

“You’re joking.”

“Am I?” He smiles mysteriously at me before blinking. I think he was trying to wink but he hasn’t mastered the art of just closing one eye yet.

“Well anyway, those names are stupid. And you can’t be a Trinity anymore. You have me now. So who am I going to be?”

“You’re the glue that will keep us together.” Axel grins.

And even though Zie is pouting, I can’t help the ginormous mirroring grin that stretches across my face.

I’m in.

I belong.

And nothing these boys do will ever get rid of me.

“What’s your problem?” Kaiden spits at me as soon as we’re alone. Which is a joke because I feel like we’re never alone anymore. Even when she’s not with us, all the others seem to do is talk about her, so it feels like she’s here anyway, making my life a misery.