Page 6 of Silenced

“What’s she doin’ surfin’ here? Surely the lack of other riders would tell her it’s no good,” Bhodi asks, spying the girl I’m watching. It gets my back up. I don’t want him looking at her.

“Dunno. Seems to be doing alright though,” I reply dismissively. If Bhodi gets wind that I’m interested in this chick, he’ll go after her just to piss me off. And if I’m not her type, Bhodi just might well be. Stupid big fucker. I might be a tanned, blond haired and blue eyed surfer boy, but Bhodi is stacked. And – according to Bhodi at least – chicks dig that.

“Nice to see you’re both working hard and strategising.”

“Fuck off.” I grin at Reef and flip him the bird, and he smirks right back.

“You know,” the prof adds, standing over us with folded arms and an unamused expression on his face. “He does have a point, Cove. Have you even shortlisted potential marks?”

“Didn’t know that was my job.” I shrug.

“It’s all of our jobs until we have the target identified, and then protecting her will become a full time job for all of us.”

“We know this. We’ve been over it a thousand times already. Find the Star, protect the Star, save the world. Yadda yadda ya da,” Bhodi complains.

“Well at least you listen in some classes,” the prof snipes.

“Oh fuck off. The only reason I’m resitting the year is so we have a better chance of finding the Star this year.”

“You really reckon she’s gonna be a fresher?” I ask.

“Has to be. This is the final window of opportunity for her to enrol. Unless she transfers in. It’s time.”

“And this is based on some...what, prophecy or sixth sense or somethin’?” Bhodi questions.

“Something like that.” The prof is always evasive when it comes to asking about his tip offs. We’ve learnt by now to just go with it.

“Right, so, where are we at?” Reef claps his hands together and rubs them, eager to be getting on with things. I want to smack him for being overly eager. As much as Bhodi annoys me, at least he’s down for some fun. Reef and the prof are too uptight. All they care about is work.

“There’s a party tonight—” the prof begins. Bhodi whoops as Reef groans.

“There’s always a party,” he complains.

“This is the first party of the year. All the freshmen will be there. As will you guys. I want a list of potential targets on my desk first thing tomorrow morning. Names, descriptions, photos if you can.”

“And how exactly are we supposed to get these details and pictures at a damn party?” I grumble. I mean, I’m always down to party, but this is work. School just started and I already want a break.

“By any means necessary. Just don’t sleep with the damn mark,” the prof snaps. Bhodi sniggers. He couldn’t keep his dick in his pants if his life depended on it. And, like me, he’s probably wondering when the prof last got some if he’s already this uptight.

“Gonna be a long semester,” Bhodi teases.

“Glad he’s not my professor,” I mutter back. That wipes the smug smile off Bho’s face. I grin. Winding him up always makes me feel better.

“What exactly are we looking for, boss?” Reef asks. “Can you give us anything to go off?”

The prof sighs.

“She’ll be striking. Beautiful, of course. Different from all the others. You’ll probably find yourself drawn to her, but unable to explain why. It might even seem like fate keeps drawing you together.”

“So why do we have to look for her? You make it sound like she’ll come to us,” Bhodi complains. I mean, he has a point.

“Because the matter is time sensitive, you fool. We don’t have months to waste with this. We need to identify the Star as soon as possible so that we can do our job properly.”

“Jeez, chill out,” Bho grumbles under his breath. The prof shoots him a pissed off glare but lets it slide. For once.

“Right, well, if we’re done here, I have a party to get ready for,” I say.

“Strategise,” the prof barks, turning and walking away.