Page 27 of Silenced

“I’m dating all five of them, MT. They all really like me and I like them too, so why not?”

“But…when will you choose which one you want to get serious with? How will you pick if you like them all?” It’s an alien concept to me. I don’t even like five people as friends, let alone like like them. The thought of being in a relationship with one guy makes me shudder. Honesty and intimacy with five?

Fuck, that’s terrifying.

“I don’t think I’ll have to. They seem keen on sharing me. A couple of them even want to share me at the same time.” She winks and I pull a face.

In a relationship with five guys who like to share? I can’t think of anything worse. The only five guys I like is a burger.

“And the best thing, Malia, is that they’re not just in it for the sex – which is smoking by the way – but they really want to get to know me better. I’ve told them all about you and they’re dying to meet you. I think they may even have a friend they can set you up with.”

I hastily down my drink and wonder if I can force Summer to drink hers too, just to stop her talking about me dating a total stranger or going on a double date from hell.

“I’m going to get another drink!” I practically shout over the sound of Marilyn Manson singing ‘Tainted Love’ as I jump to my feet and try to escape this new hell.