Page 7 of Silenced


“He means, we need to make a plan. For how we’re going to tackle this tonight,” Reef explains. “You think he’s tetchy now? Imagine how he’ll be if we present matching files tomorrow. We need a strategy for how we’re going to approach these girls tonight.”

“Let them come to us,” Bhodi chuckles and waves a hand dismissively.

“Bho, you take the redheads, yeah,” I propose. “Reef you can take the brunettes.”

“And you?”

“I’ll take the blondes,” I reply, my eyes glued to the surfer chick with the brightest, whitest blonde hair I’ve ever seen.

“What about the weirdos?” Bhodi asks.


“Yeah, you know, the ones with no hair or funny coloured hair and that?”

“Free range,” I mumble back, not really paying attention until what he said sinks in a moment later. “And you can’t say that shit.”

“Whatever. Snowflakes are too easily offended these days anyway.”

“Show some fucking respect,” I snap before immediately returning my gaze to the ocean.

“You know, if you’re that desperate for a surf, you have time. Just go out there,” Reef says, watching me carefully. He’s always watching, observing closely and taking everything in. Reef’s a man of very few words unless he’s talking business. I never really know what’s going on in his head.

“Nah, it’s a shit location. Everyone knows that.”

“Except her.”

“Yeah, well, she’s got lucky today. Won’t make a habit of it.” I shrug dismissively and attempt to look away, but I can see an epic wave building behind her.

Has she seen it? Will she be safe? I hold my breath and only just manage to stop myself from getting to my feet to watch her better.

She glances over her shoulder and quickly, smoothly paddles into place. And not a moment too soon, because the wave begins to break in an A-frame around her, larger than any of the others she’s caught today. Larger than anything we usually get in the bay.

I blink and she’s on her feet, riding the break through the tube, towards the face of the wave on the right. She’s twisting and curling her board effortlessly, reading the wave like an absolute pro. It takes years of practice to be able to do that, and even then many don’t manage it.

She looks at home, at one with the ocean, and I can’t tear my eyes away. Colour me intrigued. Captivated.

Reef whistles appreciatively.

“She’s good. I’d be impressed with moves like that out at Ben West’s, but here in the bay?” He whistles again. “Wow.”

“You should recruit her to the club,” Bhodi tells me.

“Yeah…I might,” I reply evasively. I don’t like them looking at my girl, so I’m certainly not about to tell them that my girl’s already signed up to surf with us.

I mean, she’s not my girl yet. Technically. But I plan to make her my girl sooner than she knows. And tonight’s party is the perfect place to start.

Who said I can’t mix business with pleasure?