Page 6 of Branding Belle

“Ridiculous,” I scoff, shaking my head. Johnny’s tongue is practically on the table; he’s loving the attention that much.

Linc just looks pissed, and the other two, uncomfortable. I can barely contain my snort of derision as we quickly order drinks with the one waitress. When the other pouts, Johnny takes pity on her and gives her the food order. When they scurry away to do his bidding, we start to chat. The conversation should be free and easy, but whenever the two friendly guys try to ask me anything personal, Johnny changes the subject.

He’s really starting to piss me off. Shocker.

“Johnny, I’m here to get to know these guys before I decide if I’m going to let them loose on my body, since Anya is out of commission. How can I do that when you’re shutting down every single question that they ask?” I huff at him in frustration, ignoring the way he pulls a face at my choice of words. He tries to make excuses, but I glower at him until he’s silent. “I need a break,” I say. I turn to Kelly and ask him to let me out of the booth.

I clamber out and tell the guys I’m heading to the bar for another round of drinks, when Johnny protests. “I can get the waitresses to bring more drinks to the table,” he tells me, his annoyance clear in his tone.

“I’m sure you can,” I reply coolly. “But one: I need to get away from you, and two: I’m pretty sure I can still get served by that sexy bartender faster than you can get those two ditsy bimbos to serve you.” I turn and stomp to the bar, muttering about my pain in the ass brother as I go, completely unaware that Kelly has followed me.

I quickly place my order at the bar for another round of Coronas. Johnny had ordered everyone IPAs when he arrived, and it tasted like absolute shit, so he ended up drinking most of them. Kelly assures me that Linc and Mica like Corona as much as he does, and I know for a fact that Johnny hates the stuff, so that’s even better in my eyes.

As we’re waiting for the bartender to knock the caps off, Kelly turns to me and says, “Hey, I thought that was really cool of you, by the way, to let Anya off the hook like that.”

“Hmmm?” I ask, frowning slightly. What’s he on about?

“You know, when she had the opportunity to go away for a couple of days? She wasn’t going to take the earlier flight because she didn’t want to let you down. Then Johnny said he’d spoken to you, and you’d encouraged her to go. That was really nice of you. Can’t have been easy after waiting eighteen months to see her, and not knowing anything about her replacements.”

“Wait, what?!” I spin to face Kelly and grab his arm in confusion. “She’s not sick?!” I practically shout, anger rising.

“Erm yeah, I thought…I mean…Johnny said…” Now it’s his turn to look and sound puzzled.

“Johnny told me she was sick.” My voice is icy, unimpressed. “Only a couple of hours before my appointment. While I was in the air. Via a fucking text. I didn’t know shit until I landed.”

“Oh, fuck.” He looks sheepish and embarrassed, knowing he’s put his foot right in it and potentially set the cat among the pigeons.

Leaving Kelly to deal with the other drinks, I grab my bottle and excuse myself, raging all the way back to the table. My relationship with Johnny is turbulent at best. Now it’s about to get downright hostile.