Page 63 of Branding Belle

“How’re you healing?” I ask, making Belle jump ten feet in the air. It’s been a few days since we finished her tattoo, and I’ve been looking forward to spending time with her.

She spins around frantically, and grabs her chest. She laughs and lightly slaps my arm. “You scared the bejesus out of me!”

I chuckle at the adorable way she tries to act tough.

“So rude,” she chastises, and then smiles. “I’m healing. The first few days were the hardest. Moisturizing the area is quite the task when you can’t reach it with your hands,” she says. I understand completely.

“Would have been a hell of a lot easier if one of you guys was around to lend a helping hand.”

“Linc said we had to give you space to allow you to heal.” I lean forward and give her a lingering kiss on the cheek.

“Of course, he’s the cock blocking asshole in this situation,” she mutters, making me chuckle.

“He knows me too well. I wouldn’t have been able to keep my hands off you, beautiful.”

“And now?” The look she gives me is heated, and as much as I want to show her how much I’ve missed her, I wouldn’t dare go against Linc’s orders. Especially knowing he has Belle’s best interests at heart.

“Well, we’ll just have to wait and see how you’re healing and go from there,” I tease. She groans and presses her delectable body against mine, which is enough to tempt a priest into sinning.

“You’re not going to lay a finger on me until he gives the all clear, are you?”

I laugh and shake my head, acting less affected by her than I feel as I lead her over to my truck.

We climb in and I turn on the radio as I drive. The sun is shining and the conversation flows easily, Belle and I bouncing off each other with jokes and teasing barbs.

It’s all fine until we get to our destination and I begin to second guess myself. We pull up in the parking lot and Belle gives me a quizzical look. Nervous, I climb out of the truck and take a deep breath. I look over my shoulder at the large nursing facility I've brought Belle to today. Strange place for a date, I know, but it felt important to share this with her.

It’s a beautiful place, with a large lake and flowers and trees surrounding the entire property. I wonder what Belle is thinking right now.

“The situation is complicated, so let's just head inside, and I’ll explain everything once you meet Isaac.”

She nods, and I lace my fingers through hers as we make our way inside.

As we approach one of the rooms, I pause. “He can’t communicate like we do, but he can understand you,” I say vaguely, and I wonder if she’ll realize just how nervous I am today.

“Okay,” is all Belle replies, but she does give me a reassuring squeeze before I push the door open, and we step inside. I love that she’s strong and feisty, but that she has such a caring, understanding side too.

“Isaac!” I exclaim, rushing in to see my brother. I sense Belle hanging back a little, observing, but my attention is on my brother. I wrap my arms around him and give him a proper hug. None of this manly, macho, back slapping crap; we show love in this family, and we're not ashamed of it.

“I’ve brought my girlfriend to meet you,” I tell him. “She’s very beautiful, but try to behave. No flirting.”

I cut a quick glance to Belle and see she’s quirking her brow at the girlfriend comment, but she doesn’t say anything. I mean, she has to realize that the three of us are serious. We’re not about to let her go, and we’re certainly not seeing other people, so what else would I call her?

Belle walks over to join us and smiles. Relief rushes through me at her easy acceptance of the situation, so I kneel in front of my brother’s wheelchair.

“Belle, this is my brother, Isaac. Isaac, this is Belle.”

Belle reaches out, touching the back of Isaac’s hand, and looks into his eyes. “Hello, Isaac. It’s nice to meet you.”

Isaac smiles brightly at both Belle and I, warming my heart. I’m so glad he likes her.

“Isaac was born with a rare genetic mutation that affects his body, and his mind. Mentally he’s about five, and physically he’s paralyzed from the neck down,” I tell her hurriedly. I don’t know why, but I feel this compulsion to suddenly fill her in, bring her up to speed. I guess I just want her to know me. “Our dad bailed on us when we were kids, and Mom took care of him for as long as she could. You know, I grew up here in L.A., but once we had a few successful shops up and running, and we opened the shop in Miami, I was able to get my brother into this amazing facility. Mom visits every day, and now that I’m back, I try to come at least twice a week.”

Belle hugs me suddenly.

“You’re a good man, Mica,” she whispers in my ear, her voice tight with emotion.

I shake my head at her. “He’s my brother.”