Page 32 of Branding Belle

Logically, I know I’m safe, however, my mind and heart are convinced we’re about to plummet to our deaths. You know that scene in the notebook where Noah wins over the girl by pretending to nearly fall off the wheel? Well, I would have lost the girl. Movie would have been short. And a real fucking disappointment.

I hear Belle say something, but I’m breathing heavily, and my heart is racing so fast that I don’t hear her. This is not sexy in the least. This is not how you impress the girl you’re trying to win over.

Belle grips my face between her palms, and pulls me down to her. She kisses me softly at first, breaking me from my fear, drawing me back to the present. When I kiss her back, claiming her with my lips, she lets out a soft sigh that instantly makes me want her more, all my fear forgotten.

I feel frozen in the moment. Not in fear, but lost in Belle’s taste. Our tongues move together in perfect harmony, and the kiss goes from a gentle distraction to an all-consuming obsession.

I can’t get enough of her, and I’d give anything to move the damn bar across our laps so that I can pull her onto mine and take this further.

“Ahem,” a grumpy voice says loudly. I turn to see the ride attendant giving us a bored look. Belle grins wildly, the tiniest hint of a blush coloring her cheeks despite her devil-may-care attitude, and I grin.

“My bad, dude,” I say to the grumpy man, stepping off the ride and reaching my hand out to help Belle up.

“So, why didn’t you tell me you’re scared of heights?” Belle asks, quirking her brow at me once our feet are planted back on the pier. Now it’s my turn to blush.

“I didn’t want you to give up on the ride just because I’m a chicken,” I answer honestly with a shrug. She nods in understanding. Thankfully she drops it and grabs my hand, dragging me toward mini golf, but I stall us to a stop and pull her back into my arms.

She may have kissed me to sidetrack me, but as my lips descend on hers, I want to make it perfectly clear to her that I want her as way more than just some momentary distraction.