In case the outcome wasn’t what they wanted, Hunter and his PR team had prepared a press conference directly following the meeting with the DA.

As it turned out, Diaz had been a vicious player in the drug community who had taken a hit when the shipment Alonzo Picano was responsible for went missing. Diaz was quickly recovering when Gabi switched the accounts. All that said, the DA said they would have to launch a full investigation, but he didn’t see any criminal charges being brought against her.

As for the insurance fraud, the DA held little jurisdiction, but would offer testimony on her behalf. With the return of the money, and the DA refusing to press charges, the chances of the insurance company getting anywhere was slim.

Gabi left the DA’s office on Hunter’s arm, their team claiming a holiday victory.

Instead of a press conference, the family and friends who’d gathered in her support followed them home.

There Andrew and a small team of people had prepared a preholiday feast.

Perhaps bought a preholiday feast was a better word. Not that Gabi cared. The thought was what counted.

“Why are we having a party today?” Hunter asked Blake when he noticed Samantha ushering children and a few nannies into a yet-to-be-furnished downstairs den.

“Appearances are important,” Blake told him. “I don’t really get it, but Sam insists.”

Hunter smiled and moved beside Gabi as they walked around the room. They thanked Judy and Rick for their support, and Gabi noticed Hunter’s predatory gaze when she hugged Judy’s brother Michael. “Thank you for coming.”

“If those sharks started picking on you, they would have had to deal with me.”

Gabi turned to Hunter. “Have you two met?”

“I doubt there are many left who don’t know who you are.”

Gabi laughed. “Sucks being a movie star.”

Michael winked and turned his attention to a man who approached with a glass of wine. Gabi introduced Ryder without an explanation as to who he was or why he was there. Hunter didn’t ask, and she didn’t offer more.

Carter Billings moved beside Neil and shook Hunter’s hand. Gabi accepted a hug from Carter and a pat on the arm from Neil. “I feel I need to thank you,” she told Neil.

He shrugged. “Not sure why.”

Dressed in black, armed to the teeth . . .

She leaned in and kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”

Neil tipped his beer back, offered one nod, and walked away.

“Such a chick magnet, that one,” Carter muttered before walking away.

Gabi sipped on wine, thankful once again that she could enjoy it. She reacquainted Hunter with Zach and Karen.

At one point Meg pushed in and pulled Karen away.

Hunter leaned in and whispered, “You have a great group of friends.”

She reflected on his observation. “Two years ago, I didn’t have one friend to call mine.”

Hunter didn’t look convinced.

A scruffy voice said her name from behind her. “Sherman!” Gabi opened her uncasted arm to the man.

“I’m so glad you could make it.”

“Doctor wanted to keep me for a few more days. Told him I had better places to be.”

Gabi stood back as Hunter and his father squared off.

“Glad to see you vertical, Dad.”

“It’s a new look.”

Hunter laughed.

“Been four days without a drink. First day didn’t really count since that shit cut me off without asking, but I’m claiming it anyway.”

Gabi’s heart tugged a little when Hunter and his father embraced.

The sound of someone tapping a glass and making it ring made her turn around.

Val stood with a glass in his hand, a smile on his face. “I’d like to propose a toast.”

Meg lifted her glass of what looked like sparkling cider and leaned into her husband.

Gabi’s mother was already a couple of glasses into the wine. She didn’t have far to go until “nap” time.

A few more people pushed into the circle and raised their glasses.

“I know we’re all here for Gabi . . . to support her. But I also know my sister,” Val said. “She’s genuinely shy enough to avoid that attention. So this toast isn’t only for her . . . it’s for everyone. For friends. The kind that stick by you . . . support you whenever and wherever you need them.”

Val lifted his glass and the room filled with the clicking of glasses.

Gabi took in the faces and the glasses.

Gwen was drinking milk . . .

Karen held cider like Meg. “Hey!”

“What?” Hunter asked.

Ignoring him, she narrowed her gaze toward Gwen. “Milk? You’re drinking milk?”

Gwen glanced at her glass and closed her lips.

Eliza stopped sipping her champagne before she said, “Gwen’s knocked up.”

Meg squealed.

Sam giggled and sipped her wine. “Don’t look at me. We’re good, right, Blake?”

“Diapers and middle of the night food runs . . . I’m good,” Blake said.

Gwen lifted her milk in the air. “Three months along.”

Rick turned to Judy. “Time to step up to the plate, don’t ya think, babe?”

Judy hit her husband and Meg spit out her drink.

Judy turned red. “Plus sign this morning. I wanted to wait to tell you.”

Rick, who was all smiles, stumbled back. “Wait . . . what?”

Blake smacked Rick on the back. “It’s about to become an unholy hormonal mess. I say we leave now, men. Come back in nine months.”

There was another round of toasts . . .