I relax infinitesimally when I realise that she hasn’t come into the room, but is in fact calling me to her. Shit! How can I get so carried away with Phoenix in the next room.

“Ace, I have to…”

“Go. It’s fine. I fix. Speak soon.” He quickly rattles off everything I needed to hear as he gives me a quick peck goodbye and vanishes out the door.

I take some deep breaths, fan myself, down a pint of water...I try everything and anything I can think of to cool and calm myself down. As I head towards the playroom to see what Phoenix wants, I catch sight of myself in the mirror.

Whilst I no longer look like crap crap, in a death-warmed-up kind of way, I do look like crap, in a I’ve-been-making-out kind of way.

Thankfully, Phoenix is three and way too young to understand-

“Mummy! What’s wrong with your face?”

Ah fuck.

Charlotte’s Diary

Present Day

Now that I know I’m not going to be expelled, I feel pity for Charlie. Imagine being so insecure that when a girl dumps you, you feel the need to destroy her life by making up lies and spreading rumours...even if it hurts your own father! Don’t get me wrong, I’m still mad enough to kill him, but at least it’s over with. He’s had his revenge, made his point. I just want to forget and move on. Although, looking Charles Snr in the eye in class is going to be difficult! Oh god, that’s going to be awful...